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House dust mite:what exactly is it?

House dust mite:what exactly is it?

There are those terms, conditions, allergies and words that you often see, but you don't know exactly what they are. Today we zoom in on dust mites. Can you feel it already?

You probably already knew that we live with all kinds of critters around us. And because you simply cannot brush away some things, it is better to be well informed about home and garden. House dust mites are such an animal that you know exists, but what is it, does it do and does it eat? Ieeeh.

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You have to go through it. By the facts. Are they coming. A dust mite is an arachnid. Has 8 legs. And is only 0.3 millimeters in size. You cannot see them with the naked eye. Might be a good thing too. A dust mite lives about 2 to 3 months. And they feed on the dander of humans and animals. Not surprisingly, your bed is therefore a popular place for the critters. After all, you lie there for hours on end, ridding yourself of skin flakes (sounds dirtier than it is).


The mites also like to look for other places in the house that are less slippery. Think of fabric furniture, cuddly toys and your carpet. Millions of mites can live in your house undetected! They occur all year round, although they like autumn and winter extra:they like moister air.


There are many people with allergies to house dust mites. In their case, this mainly means a lot of sneezing and sniffling, but it can also cause problems with breathing. Fortunately, keeping your home clean does help. In addition, there are bedding and mattresses for sale that repel the mite as best as possible. You can also check yourself whether you have created a paradise for the mite:a duvet/blanket and/or pillow made of down or wool, or a filling thereof, is ideal for the house dust mite. He likes to nest in natural materials, which can also be difficult to wash hot. If you have a synthetic duvet and/or pillow, the mite will find it less attractive.


  • ventilate well, the less humid in the house, the more unpleasant for the house dust mites
  • clean bedding and carpets, but also cuddly toys and home deco fabrics regularly
  • choose furniture and a bed frame that you can wipe well with soapy water
  • In case of serious complaints, visit your GP, who may refer you to a specialist to see whether you have a house dust mite allergy