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What to do with head lice if you also want to enjoy your free time?

Head lice are annoying enough. But what to do with head lice when you're really busy? In this blog you can read tips to combat head lice. And then in the simplest way. Preventing head lice is not always easy, especially when you see what kind of excesses there are at our school every now and then. But you can make sure you are well prepared just in case. And that treating head lice doesn't take up all your free time. We have listed a few tips for you. So if you're wondering what to do with head lice, read on, especially if you want to read my own experiences.

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Mommy, I'm itching! What to do with head lice?

As soon as the holidays are over, all lice mothers at school will be deployed again. Now is the time to check all children from head to neck for head lice. These days I no longer wait in suspense in suspense, but really proactively check for lice myself. This way I am always prepared and I can do what has to be done if I do find head lice. Because despite the fact that 'we' all think that the subject of head lice should be removed from the taboo, children are still looked at.

Head lice, you only have to think about that and you're already itching (so again as I'm typing this). Parents often ring a bell with children who just won't stop scratching. Such a head lice outbreak is of course bad enough. And fighting head lice no less. Fortunately, there are various ways to treat head lice and I prefer to choose the method that does not take too much time.

How do you treat head lice?

1. The most intensive, the comb method

Are you going to comb all your children for half an hour every day for two weeks to check for lice? There goes your free time! With 3 children you are just combing for 2 hours a day if things are not going well. In addition, it is not 100% waterproof.

2. Comb in combination with the usual lice shampoos

Comb and use one of the well-known anti head lice products? In itself a fine method, except for the cumbersomeness of it as I described above. Not only because of the combing, but also because of the greasy substances in your hair. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse. And wash and rinse again. And again. Do you think you are ready? Nope, you can repeat all this again after 7-9 days.

Do you want to have some spare time? Then option 3 is the most convenient option!

3. Licenser Anti-lice shampoo

You apply Licener to dry hair, massage it in well and wait 10 minutes. After one treatment you will be rid of your lice. Licener kills both lice and nits in 10 minutes. So you know exactly what to do with head lice. In addition, Licener is based on natural ingredients and is non-toxic and/or highly flammable. A follow-up treatment is no longer necessary, one treatment is all you have to do with head lice. Combing after the treatment is allowed, but not necessary.

By the way, did you know that head lice cannot become resistant to this product? It mechanically suffocates the lice and nits. Without the use of poison.

Treating my own experiences with lice (on vacation, ieeeewww)

What to do with head lice at your holiday address? In a foreign country, with a foreign language, you already have enough challenges. Especially if you have to deal with head lice. That is why I now also go well prepared for vacation. Because what the hell does that foreign packaging with anti-head lice product say? Frank had no idea when he was sent to the supermarket by me a few years ago. Head lice, nobody wants that, but on vacation I find it doubly annoying. However, you can prepare yourself for it.

Check for head lice at home if necessary

You are already busy enough before you go on holiday, we know that! But it is not a superfluous luxury to comb and check the kids before departure. Especially if you regularly have a head lice outbreak at your school. In this way, in the event of a 'positive' result, you can at least make sure at home that you do what you have to do to get rid of the head lice.

Imagine that on your holiday you find out that one of your children has head lice. Did they just sleep snugly against each other on the way there… well, then you know that all your children need to be carefully examined. And are you in a tent? Lovely camping is fantastic of course, but such an oily substance that has to soak in for 15 minutes before you can wash it out? In the general shower cubicles where everyone is waiting their turn? Not really cool of course!

So make sure you have a stock at home

Anti-head lice remedies also exist abroad. And with a translation app you will also be able to score such a bottle at the pharmacy. But what exactly do you get at home? What does the package insert say, and what does that stuff contain? So I prefer to bring my own, preferably natural, anti-lice product. So Licener goes in the bag in advance, just to be sure. Better safe than sorry !

We hope that you have spent this holiday completely louse-free. But otherwise, at least you now know what to do with head lice without it taking up all your free time. In any case, it's an addition to the holiday stuff list for me, I don't leave home without it anymore,