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water fact

water fact

Are you often grumpy? Maybe you drink too little water…

A lack of water can have a major impact on how you feel. Even mild dehydration can make you feel very cranky or weak. Especially at
Women's mood, energy level and ability to think clearly are largely determined by the amount of fluid in the body.

This is according to a study by the University of Connecticut. A research team studied 50 healthy young men and women by completing three tests
take. And what turned out? It doesn't matter if you've just exercised or been sitting still, the effects of mild dehydration remain the same. The participants were also more tired with mild dehydration, could concentrate less well and had headaches. The dehydrated participants found the tests more difficult. And especially women turned out to be sensitive to dehydration.

Drinking enough water appears to be very important. Do not drink only when you are thirsty or when you are exercising, but throughout the day to feel happy and fit!