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Beat hyperventilation

Beat hyperventilation

Hyperventilation is not harmful, but it can be frightening. With these tips you can calm your breathing again.

Train your breathing

There are two forms of hyperventilation:the acute and the chronic form. In the acute form, you suddenly start breathing very quickly and you feel like you are suffocating. The chronic form is less well known, but is much more common. In this form, breathing is accelerated for a longer period of time, which can cause all kinds of complaints. You can tackle this breathing with the help of a book.

How to do it:

Lie down and put the book on your stomach. Breathe through your nose in such a way that only the book moves up and down. The rest of the body remains relaxed. In this way you train your abdominal breathing, which ensures that you can relax more easily. Repeat this exercise daily, over time also without a book.

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Stress and anxiety are two major triggers for hyperventilation. Just think back to your driving test or the severe turbulence during a flight. You tend to take a breath that makes you hyperventilate. Meditating can help with stress and anxiety. With meditation you focus your attention specifically on the here and now and you keep yourself away from limiting thoughts.

How to do it:

Numerous studies show that meditation reduces stress and makes you more positive in life. And that in just a few minutes a day. Not sure where to start? Use the free app Headspace. A soothing voice guides you and teaches you how to stop worrying.

Move vigorously

You can meditate when the attack starts, but what can you do if the attack has already started? The most effective would be:stop breathing! During a hyper, the oxygen level in your body is too high and you have a shortage of carbon dioxide, which is corrected by not breathing for a while. Because that is a bit difficult, it is better to move around a lot.

How to do it:

Sprint, jump rope, or run up and down the stairs. Moving ensures that your combustion goes up and your oxygen-carbon dioxide ratio comes into balance. Complaints such as shortness of breath, sweating and dizziness will decrease as a result. If you can, go outside for a walk. Take five steps and then take one deep breath.

The orange dish

An orange is always good and you don't even have to eat it for that. Just thinking about it is enough for this exercise.

How to do it:

Source:Santé March 2017