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Your resistance stronger than ever with these tips &tricks

Your resistance stronger than ever with these tips &tricks

This coming winter no virus or bacteria can knock you down. With these easy-to-execute tips &tricks you will make your resistance stronger than ever!

Open your windows

The mercury drops below zero and all you feel like is firing up the stove with all the windows closed. Only a poorly ventilated house is a source of bacteria. Make sure you air regularly in winter too. For example, always leave your ventilation grilles open in the bedroom. Additional advantage of ventilation:your heating costs are actually reduced, because the air becomes drier due to the supply of outside air.

Read also: 'This will make your cold even worse'

Clean your liver

A properly functioning liver is essential for the healthy elimination of toxins. Keep your liver clean with vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower. These vegetables contain sulfur, an essential substance for detoxifying the liver.

Score a pomegranate

Pomegranates contain high amounts of antioxidants. These are important in the prevention of diseases. In addition, your skin also gets a huge boost from this fruit, because it fights free radicals and protects collagen.

Wash your hands regularly

Doorposts, banisters and toilets in particular are havens for bacteria. Don't give them a chance and put your hands under the tap extra often. Use soap and dry your hands well after washing, preferably with a disposable paper towel.


By meditating you can prevent the flu or a cold, research has shown. The University of Wisconsin showed that people who regularly practice mindfulness have 40 to 50 percent fewer sick days per year than people who do nothing.

Get enough protein

Protein is the substance that maintains your resistance and ensures the repair and production of bone tissue. Therefore eat extra mackerel, pollock, yogurt and pistachios.

Go to the sauna

There is no better and more relaxed way to rid yourself of waste than a day in the sauna. By exposing your body to heat and cold, you become more resistant to the winter cold. Please note:dry yourself well before entering the sauna, because a wet body sweats out fewer toxins.

Have a winter siesta

Don't you have to work? Then take a nap after lunch. Research shows that a power nap between 1 pm and 3 pm is the most restorative for your body and mind. Drink a cup of coffee before your nap, then you will wake up on your own after twenty minutes and that is the ideal duration of a power nap.

Source:Santé February 2016 Text:Esma Linneman