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Women too tired to live healthier

Women too tired to live healthier

Sometimes it is quite a challenge to live a healthier life. Young women in particular have difficulty maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

This is apparent from research by a large Dutch insurance company. This shows that fatigue, stress and lack of time are the most frequently cited reasons for insufficient exercise and relaxation.

Read also: ‘How do you know if you have a healthy lifestyle?‘

Healthy lifestyle

As many as 1 in 5 do not feel fit enough to exercise and 30 percent feel too tired to relax. While we realize that it is necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

Young women

Young women in particular have the most difficulty maintaining a healthier life. 45 percent of women find it difficult to maintain sufficient exercise compared to 31 percent of men. Women under the age of 50 find that an even larger group finds it very difficult to keep going. Fatigue, stress, lack of time and the household play a major role in this.

Set small goals

Hidde van der Ploeg, researcher and health scientist at Amsterdam UMC, explains:“The key to maintaining a healthier lifestyle for a long time is often in setting realistic goals that can be achieved in small steps. Setting yourself high health goals can backfire. People immediately want to run a half marathon or cycle directly up the Alpe d'Huez. But it's much better to start small. Walking and cycling is already intense enough for health benefits. So even if you don't feel like it, or are too tired, for example, one block can often be enough to get enough exercise for that day."

Source:Silver Cross