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Why you still feel tired after a night's sleep

Why you still feel tired after a night s sleep

Very strange:you slept well all night, but when the alarm goes off you still feel tired. How is that possible?

Sometimes you have those mornings when you wake up broken, while you've had a good night's sleep. This can have various causes.

Trained too fanatically

Maybe you just exercised too fanatically right before going to sleep. Your body is then full of adrenaline and it takes some time before your body relaxes again.

But if you've exercised earlier in the day and you still feel like you can't sleep, you've probably been just a little too fanatical. This can cause the adrenaline and your hormones to get out of balance.

Solution Exercise:Make sure your body gets plenty of rest between workouts. Do something less intensive, for example walking or yoga.

Read also: 'Eat this and you will fall asleep faster'

Something among the members

Have you had a good night's sleep but still feel tired? Then you may have something among the members. Your immune system needs all the energy to fight against invaders. This can make you feel extra tired.

In addition to fatigue, you may also have other symptoms, such as a cold.

Solution: try to take a nap during the day and when awake, avoid vigorous activity. Drink enough and make sure you eat some extra fruit!

Alcohol and/or caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine are disastrous for a good night's sleep. Alcohol seems nice as a nightcap, but it actually ensures that you sleep lighter and wake up more often at night.

Caffeine makes you more alert during the day, but makes it difficult for you to fall asleep.

Solution: avoid these drinks before going to sleep. As for caffeine, if you can't start your day without a good cup of coffee, make sure you only drink it in the morning and leave it in the afternoon and evening.

You sleep too much

Not only can too little sleep make you tired, but also too much sleep. Sleeping too much can make you feel a little sluggish and lifeless. According to research, any way of changing your sleep pattern can disrupt your body's energy levels.

Solution: Listen carefully to your body to see how many hours of sleep is best for you. If you know how many hours you need, stick to it, even on weekends.

Loaded by stress

Stress is one of the biggest disruptors to a good night's sleep. When your brain is constantly preoccupied with something that worries you, it is difficult to fall asleep. American research shows that no less than 45 percent is awake because of stress. And there is a very good chance that that stress is work-related.

Solution: try to relax by, for example, meditating before going to sleep, so that your brain can relax.

Often awake at night

Noises from the street, a restless sleeping companion, frequent urination. There are many reasons why you can be woken up more often during the night. So even if you think you've had eight hours of sleep, those interruptions can cause you to have too little sleep.

Solution: earplugs, sleeping separately, an eye mask. They are the ways to exclude noise pollution.