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Why Mosquitoes Don't Like DEET

Why Mosquitoes Don t Like DEET

During a trip, we faithfully lubricate with DEET. Everything to ensure that we are less attractive to mosquitoes.

But why don't mosquitoes like DEET?

That was not known until recently. Researchers at Rockefeller University in New York delved deeper into it. A researcher has already made attempts to understand the success of DEET.

She found that even mosquitoes that can't smell very well are attracted to people, even when people were completely smeared with DEET. The striking detail:the mosquitoes did not bite them. Apparently the smell does not deter mosquitoes.

Stick legs

Other studies have shown that it is not the taste of DEET either. Mosquitoes don't let that stop them. Only now – while DEET has been on the market for more than seventy years – it appears that the drug works well, because mosquitoes do not like to touch DEET with their paws.

Cut them wrong, we don't like sticky hands either. A special discovery that can help to develop new and more effective insect repellents.

Also useful to know

  • 8 tips to keep mosquitoes away
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