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Can you cure yourself of a drug addiction?

Can you cure yourself of a drug addiction?

Charlie Sheen was known for his heavy cocaine use in the past, but according to the actor himself, he has cured himself of his drug addiction. Can you actually stop using drugs this way?

Yes, you can definitely stop using drugs without professional help! Many health experts do recommend that addicts receive professional treatment to resolve their addiction, but this may not always be the case. There are many addicts who successfully recover without getting professional help. This is also apparent from a study by Gene Heyman, a research psychologist at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. His study showed that between 60 and 80 percent of people who were addicted in their teens and 20s stopped using substances by their 30s. They also avoided addiction in subsequent decades. Surveys of veterans of the Vietnam War showed the same. The majority of soldiers who became addicted to narcotics later stopped using the drugs themselves without therapy. They have therefore not undergone a detox drug.


Do you use drugs yourself and would you like to stop? It is then in principle possible to cure your own addiction. Although most addicts recover without the help of others, that does not mean that everyone is expected to do so. Also, it will be extremely difficult to stop using drugs if you are doing this alone. You may even be able to stop sooner if you seek professional help than if you do everything yourself. Nevertheless, it is and remains a fact that most people heal their own addiction without seeking help.


If you want to do this too, it is first of all essential that you are motivated. You have to realize that your family, your future, your job and much more are in serious danger because of your addiction. You should definitely not run away from your drug use, but you should tackle it correctly. Does your son or daughter ask you why you never play soccer with him/her? This can provide a lot of motivation as it will make you think about the type of father/mother you want to be. Chances are that that is not the case, which makes you want to change and therefore want to stop your addiction.

Say goodbye

There are other recovery strategies that you as a drug user can devise to heal yourself from your addiction. For example, you can change who you associate with. Do you have other drug users in your circle of friends? It can then help to say goodbye to these people. This makes it more difficult for you to get drugs, which you can also take care of by not having cash with you. So you actually have to put up obstacles for yourself to ensure that you can recover from your drug addiction.

Some addicts are unable to recover from their drug addiction alone. That's okay! There are still potential recovery options, but be sure to seek professional help in this case.

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