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Live more consciously and enjoy the journey more!

I think that's a good plan. Live more consciously and enjoy the journey more instead of just focusing on the final goal. The only question is how do you do that, live more consciously † I'm delving into it more because - as I get older - I find it more important to experience the journey more. And don't forget to enjoy yourself, even if not all steps of the journey are equally fantastic. I would like to give you some tips if you also want to be more aware of the things you do and the choices you make.

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Tips to-live more consciously

There are a number of things you can do to be more aware of everything around you and therefore live more consciously. And undoubtedly more than I list below. So do you have any additions? Be sure to let me know or add them in a comment below this blog.

1. More attention to yourself and taking good care of yourself

One of the most important things in living more consciously is more real attention for yourself. Especially working moms tend to get everything right for everyone but themselves. At the end of the day they are too tired to do anything and all they think about is bed. Logical, but not nice. More attention to yourself in the form of doing things that really make you happy will help you with this. And yes that takes time. But you also get energy in return.

I'll give you an example:A few months ago I took painting lessons. Fantastic to do! As the end of the year approached, I got busier with my work and put these classes on hold. First work on and for my company, then the pleasures. That has always been my maxim. Yet I now notice that painting gave me extra energy. That makes you live more consciously. And as a result, I was also a lot more energetic in the afternoon.

Now that for me is painting, but it can also be a wonderful bathing session of course. Or just enjoy reading. Choose what gives you energy and agree with yourself that you will really enjoy the moments you allow yourself. Then you become more aware of everything and really (almost) everything is better than sitting in front of the TV.

2. More exercise also helps if you want to live more consciously

It may not make you happy to read this, but moving more really helps 😉 . Do you think the threshold for exercising is still too high? Then start walking. Preferably in the morning if you can spare that time, but otherwise after dinner, for example. Now I have a dog, so I have to walk anyway. But I consciously choose to take longer walks. Not only good for the dog, but also great to start my day with a fresh and empty head.

In addition, I have also been exercising several times a week for the past few months. And if I can't go to the gym, I choose to go running again or work out at home.

3. Consciously think about your energy level

And I don't just mean your energy level on a mental level, but also on a physical level. your food. Eat healthier to keep your energy up, but also eat regularly. For example, don't forget to grab your (healthy) snacks. In this way you will become mentally and physically healthier and your energy level will automatically rise (again). Healthy eating is also important if you want to lose weight. Do you not have much time to put good and healthy dishes on the table because you are always busy? Think about a slow cooker!

In addition, make sure you eat more consciously. So don't eat that sandwich while you are working, but sit down for a while. If you want to live more consciously, conscious eating is an important step. Think about the bites you put in your mouth. Enjoy the food and take your time. You really don't have to spend half an hour on your lunch of course, but as long as you think about it, you will also enjoy your food more. And that's worth a lot. For the taste, but also for a satisfied feeling. Are you always in a rush and don't take the time to sit down before dinner? Then you are not easily left with a satisfied feeling at the end of the day.

4. Be more aware of (re)using products in your life

Not only very good for the environment, but also for yourself. Nothing is more fun than reusing old stuff instead of throwing it away. You can of course also choose to bring something to the recycler if you no longer want it. But throwing away useful things because you no longer want them yourself does not show a more conscious life. And also does not give a satisfying feeling. Apart from the fact that reducing consumption itself might give you a pleasant feeling, of course.

I go to the thrift shop regularly. Not only to bring things, but also to get something every now and then. If I would like to have a certain accessory at home, I first look at the thrift store. Second-hand can simply be the solution. Consciously give it a new color and you bring something back to life.

5. Sleep better to start the day early, fresh and fruity

Living consciously sometimes demands a lot from you. You should actually make more time for yourself and for your way of life. That takes time and energy, but you get a lot in return:more happiness in life. Are you short of time? Then see if you can reduce sitting on the couch in the evening. Go to bed earlier to wake up rested the next morning and start a new day full of energy.

Yoga in the morning can also help immensely.

You learn more with a more conscious life

It is a fact. If you live more consciously, you will pay more attention to everything you do. With the things you do well, but also with the things that could be done better. By not immediately firing into a cramp because you are not doing something right, you give yourself the opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

Pst... put your phone away more often and don't get stuck with social media all the time... essential if you want to enjoy real life a bit more.

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