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The SMS or app neck

The SMS or app neck

Children like to play games and videos on the tablet. As soon as they are a little older, the app will start on the phone. Children often bend forward to see the screen properly, which can affect the body.

An Australian chiropractor is sounding the alarm because he sees more and more children in his practice with complaints related to telephone and tablet use.

Some of the children he sees in his practice complain of headaches. Research shows that children who look at a screen for hours on end often have a different curve in their spine and neck vertebrae. This is caused by looking at a screen with your head bent forward too much. It is also known as a texting neck or app neck.

The complaints are especially common in children and teenagers, but looking at a telephone screen also puts pressure on the back in adults. Read our tips to prevent complaints.

Read also: Looking at your phone puts pressure on your back