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When virtual reality relieves the pain of children in hospital

Chinese computer manufacturer Lenovo has experimented with VR (virtual reality) technology for children in hospitals. The goal is to replace general anesthesia with virtual reality and allow the youngest to better endure their stay in the hospital.

VR in the hospital

In June 2018, we mentioned a project carried out in France by the start-up Healthy Mind. The latter was intended to relieve various pains through virtual reality. There were different modes – contemplative and interactive – intended to relax the patient. Several activities were offered like playing music, painting, solving puzzles or just taking a guided tour of a place.

In a press release published on November 9, 2019, the Chinese company Lenovo indicates that VR is starting to be used in some hospitals in the United States. The aim is to relieve the pain of the youngest patients . In its publication, Lenovo discusses its Starlight Virtual Reality project, presented in a film called This is Life , currently showing at the Denver Film Festival (USA).

When virtual reality relieves the pain of children in hospital

A point on the project

Led in collaboration with the Starlight Children's Foundation, the project has already been in place for more than a year in a hospital in the state of Colorado. Every day, young patients play video games in virtual reality through the Lenovo Mirage Solo VR headset. For the doctors on site, this technology has improved the quality of life of these children in the hospital.

Joe Albeitz, one of the pediatricians participating in the project, reminds us that the human brain has a limited attention span. According to him, the more effective the immersion in a VR experience, the less the brain feels the signals pain. As you will have understood, it is simply a question of diverting the patient's attention! Thus, in some cases that would usually require general anesthesia, VR is sufficient.

In addition, the specialist believes that the use of this technology could be extended. In the case of long-term patients, VR would allow them on the one hand to escape from the hospital. On the other hand, it could be to prepare for their return to real life by offering them the possibility of being present virtually at school, in their class, or at home, with their family.

Here is a video published by Lenovo regarding the Starlight Virtual Reality project:

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