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Should we have 3 days weekend?

Should we have 3 days weekend?

More and more companies are using four-day work weeks. That means three days of the weekend. There would be several advantages to this.

1. It would be healthier
According to a study, stress caused by your work is even just as harmful as second-hand smoke. Do you not suffer from stress, but do you regularly work overtime? Then you would have almost 20 percent more chance of an early death.

2. It would be better for your night's sleep
Sleep is lost when we have long days. But that's not all:a study comparing employees who work 55 hours or more with employees who work less than 40 hours a week shows that people who work fewer hours fall asleep more easily. Less tossing and turning thanks to longer weekends!

3. You would get better at your job
When working days were shortened to ten hours earlier and later even to eight hours, it turned out that employees are becoming more productive. Fewer accidents happened and fewer expensive mistakes were made. According to research, this still applies today:we could still get the same done in less time.

Would you like a three-day weekend?