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Concerns about healthcare costs

Concerns about healthcare costs

There are signals from various sides:healthcare costs in the Netherlands have risen too fast. More and more people are delaying or avoiding care.

From delay comes adjustment
One in five people has shunned healthcare. The main reasons are not being able to pay for healthcare (42 percent) and that the deductible has been increased to 350 euros (39 percent). This is shown by research by the patient federation NPCF.

Dutch doctors also notice that care is becoming unaffordable for a growing proportion of patients. The stories that come in from some patients are harrowing. Many patients know that they need care, but see no option due to the high costs.

No savings
In some cases health deteriorates irreparably due to the lack of care or medicines. Ultimately, these care avoiders need extra care. On balance, it may just be that we end up spending more money with each other.

Paul Schnabel (former director of the SCP) indicates that healthcare costs have risen relatively quickly. In 1953 it was relatively 3 percent of GDP. That is now 13 percent.

Source:patient federation NPCF / Pharmaceutical Committee / TNS NIPO | Image:Shutterstock