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10 health rules you can (already) forget

10 health rules you can (already) forget

Health advice comes and goes. Leave the outdated rules behind and check out the latest insights.

Old rule:Avoid processed foods Avoiding processed food remains good advice when it comes to biscuits, sweets, chips and ready meals. These products are full of sugar and salt, and lack essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Think new:Prepackaged isn't always bad
Canned tuna, a jar of beans… Not everything from a package is bad. Combine prepackaged products with a sauce of fresh vegetables and your dinner is still healthy. Canned or frozen vegetables are just as responsible as their fresh variety. Sometimes they even contain more nutrients, because they are processed immediately after harvesting, so that vitamins and minerals are well preserved. Do check the label to make sure no sugar has been added to your can of corn.

What are your favorite prepackaged products?

Read all health rules
The other 9 health rules can be found from page 38 in the November issue of Santé.