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Help your partner eat healthier

Help your partner eat healthier

When you start eating healthier, you want your partner to participate or maybe you think he can lose a few kilos. Does he not like to eat healthy? With these tips you help him on his way unnoticed.

Tip 1:Don't name it
The dish you're serving tonight might be low-carb, paleo, or vegan. Fine, but don't stress that to your husband. There is a good chance that he will be disliked before he has even started.

Tip 2:Let him participate in the decision
Ask him which fruits and vegetables you can bring him from the supermarket. If he has chosen himself, he will probably eat it.

Tip 3:Use more vegetables
Add extra vegetables to every meal.

Tip 4:His meal doesn't have to be the same as yours
Men can and should in many cases eat more than women. If he is not eager to eat salad every day, give his meal an extra one. Roll the vegetable salad for him in a wrap, sprinkle some cheese over it and heat it in the oven.

Tip 5:Make sure there are enough healthy snacks at home
If there are five bags of chips in the house, chances are they will run out. The reverse also applies:make sure you have plenty of healthy snacks within reach and he will eat them more often.

How do you help your partner eat healthier?