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What to do about a cold sore?

What to do about a cold sore?

I have a red spot on my lip that tingles. Is this a cold sore and what should I do?

What is a cold sore? A red tingling spot on your lip could indeed be a cold sore. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus and can occur with changes in the weather, cold, menstruation, flu and when the immune system is weakened. Even if you have never had a cold sore before, you can be a carrier of the virus and it can manifest itself sooner or later. Two out of three people are carriers of the virus, but only 10 to 20% of the carriers will experience cold sores. However, the carriers of the virus can pass it on to others unnoticed.

Contagious Cold sores are super contagious, but they can do no harm for healthy adults. Yet you do not want to pass on the virus. So watch out when you use other people's cutlery or glass and wash it thoroughly afterwards. If you accidentally touch your cold sore with your hands, it is also wise to wash your hands carefully afterwards. Avoid oral sex, as the virus can also manifest on the genitals. Also, don't kiss other people if you're having an outbreak. Keep away from babies and small children up to about 4 years old. In this group, the virus can cause serious infections with permanent damage.

Treating a cold sore A cold sore starts with a red tingling spot on or around the lips. After that, the skin starts to swell, it starts to burn and blisters appear. In particular, the fluid in these blisters is highly contagious. An attack generally lasts 7 to 10 days. Cold sores can be treated with antiviral creams based on aciclovir or penciclovir to shorten the duration of the cold sore, but it is difficult to demonstrate to what extent these agents really shorten the duration. Cold sores can also be treated with zinc ointments based on zinc oxide or zinc sulfate. This has an astringent, itch-relieving and drying effect and can be used immediately on the appearance of the cold sore. It ensures that the vesicle phases remain limited. The advantage is that these resources are generally less expensive.

Tips for prevention Whoever wants to prevent cold sores should always protect the lips with a greasy lip balm, preferably with an SPF protection factor. In addition, a good night's sleep, sufficient exercise and a healthy diet help to prevent cold sores. Did you get a cold sore? Annoying, but the drugstore can help you further. He or she will, of course, refer children to the GP if the blisters have yellowish pus or cloudy fluid, or if the virus has spread to the eye, for example. Even if the blisters have not completely disappeared after 2 weeks, it is wise to visit a doctor.

What to do about a cold sore?
Who is Linda?

Linda is a certified druggist and works in a drugstore with the Certified Specialist in Self-Care quality mark, which is the quality mark for good advice on over-the-counter medicines. On you can find out which drugstores in your area have this quality mark and what you as a customer can expect from these drugstores.

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