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wow! How many calories do you get per week from snacks at work

wow! How many calories do you get per week from snacks at work

A candy jar in the department or another colleague's birthday. The sweet and fatty snacks sometimes fly around your ears. These temptations add up to a lot of extra calories… Here's how much and how you can defend yourself against those extra pounds.

Recent research shows that as many as 1,300 extra calories are consumed in the office per week. More than 70 percent of the extra calories are free. This is a treat from a colleague or from the employer. It doesn't matter if you're really hungry. When a colleague's birthday hands out cake from your favorite bakery, it's harder to say no. But not every treat is worth those extra calories. With these tips you can make healthier choices.

Read also :'5 times you can do this against stress at work'

Avoid the candy jar

Research shows that when people walk past a snack point, they are up to 23 percent more likely to bite. Try to adjust your route and avoid the candy jar in the department.

Food diary

Write down all the meals you eat. In this way you can recognize a diet and you know where those extra calories come from. Compare with yourself whether you should leave that donut for a while next week.

Drink water

Drink plenty of water when you are working. Keep a water bottle handy and make sure you stand or walk to the coffee machine at least four times a day.

Find a buddy

There is probably a colleague who is also working on a conscious food choice. Encourage each other, take a walk during the break and share tips for healthy snacks.

Take a leadership role

Are unhealthy snacks often brought to the table? Take the initiative and bring healthy snacks such as tomatoes and carrots. Who knows, you might even start a chain reaction at the office.