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More healthy groceries in your cart

More healthy groceries in your cart

Are you doing the shopping for the whole week today? With these tips you shop consciously and choose healthy products.

Make a list
Go through your lockers to see what you have left. What do you need to make healthy meals out of that? Which products are on offer? Make a complete shopping list and stick to it.

Eat before you go shopping
The golden old tip:don't go shopping on an empty stomach. If you're hungry, you're more likely to put too much tasty food in your cart.

Be sure to walk through the outer paths
Do your shopping mainly in the outer paths. Think about it:in most supermarkets, the fresh food sections are on the outside. You can do almost all the shopping you need there.

View the ingredients list
Do you doubt between two comparable products? Check out the ingredients list and choose the healthiest option. Often, the fewer ingredients, the better. If you keep this up for a while, you will know in a while what the healthiest option is of all the products you use often.

Hold back when it comes to tasty things
Choose one pack of cookies and one bag of chips instead of taking everything you like. What you buy will likely last. Keeping track with eating tasty things therefore starts in the supermarket.