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How (un)healthy is your workplace?

How (un)healthy is your workplace?

After the summer it is time for a fresh start. Also at work. Take a closer look at your work habits. That can probably be healthier.

Have you resolved to live a healthier life this summer? Do you want to exercise more, eat a varied diet and cycle more often? That's great, but when it comes to healthy resolutions, we often skip an important part:the workplace. The place where you sometimes sit in the same position for hours on end, toiling on an Excel sheet, while your desk is full of rubbish where dust mites can nestle nicely. Or a classroom in which the air is systematically too dry, where you spend most of the day standing. The place where you work can make you sick. High time to do something about it.

From page 12 in the September issue of Santé you will find the file How (un)healthy is your workplace. The file is full of facts, handy checklists and practical tips to improve your workplace.