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Home-garden-and-kitchen remedies against colds

Home-garden-and-kitchen remedies against colds

Have you caught a cold? With these home-garden-and-kitchen remedies you can ease the suffering.

Tea with honey and lemon
Add some honey to your cup of tea and squeeze and a slice of lemon. That will help soothe your throat. Drinking enough is important during a cold anyway, it helps to remove waste products.

Movement Exercise is good for a stuffy nose. Look for the fresh air above all. Furthermore, a game of sex can cause your sinuses to open temporarily.

An onion
Put a peeled, cut open onion in the bedroom. That helps to clear the airways.

Is your head full? In that case, steaming has a relieving effect. Add a little eucalyptus if desired.

Water with salt Good for gargling for a sore throat or making your own nasal spray. Boil the water beforehand.