Even mild constipation is really not pleasant!
But no need to resort to drugs.
Fortunately, constipation can be treated very well on a daily basis thanks to natural and effective remedies.
The best recipe that I advise you to follow, in order to help your transit, is this one:it's the cold herbal tea with thyme.
1. Boil 1/2 liter of hot water.
2. Let infuse a teaspoon of thyme flowers for 15 min.
3. Filter.
4. Place in the fridge.
5. Drink a cold thyme flower tea every morning.
There you go, constipation is over! Your transit will return to a normal rhythm :-)
Don't forget to prepare it the day before.
If you are in a hurry, there are herbal teas already ready to use, but remember to drink it cold .
Thyme flower is naturally antiseptic and acts on the intestinal flora. And cold water helps your body to evacuate.
This remedy is used to regulate your transit. For chronic constipation, add other methods, such as pollen.