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Quitting tips for occasional smokers

Quitting tips for occasional smokers

Maybe you only smoke one cigarette a day, or only when you sit on the patio. You tell yourself it's not that bad, but secretly you know better. We have 5 tips to stop.

Check when you normally smoke
Do you smoke after dinner, while going out or on the terrace? Check for yourself when you smoke and determine how you deal with it from the moment you stop. Can you distract yourself at those moments?

Discard stray packs of cigarettes
Are there opened packs of cigarettes in different bags? Throw them away and stop borrowing cigarettes from friends.

Let others know that you have stopped
If your friends know that you like to smoke a cigarette on the patio, they will probably offer you one. Even if you didn't smoke much, tell others that you stopped. This way they can take into account that they should not tempt you.

Don't give in when you feel like a cigarette
The urge for a cigarette only lasts a few minutes. Try to distract yourself and sit out the moment. The longer you stop, the less often you will crave a cigarette.

Remember why you stopped
You didn't want to quit smoking for nothing. Think of all the benefits for your health, the money you save or your children.

Did you know… Every cigarette is harmful, so it is also worth stopping for occasional smokers. Smoking less can be a good intermediate step for heavy smokers who want to quit.

Are you an occasional smoker?