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Children's breakfast:compulsory or not?

Children s breakfast:compulsory or not?

We have always heard that children's breakfast is essential to be able to follow school intellectually without getting tired. Already undermined a few months ago, this "dogma" of breakfast which would be sacred is once again today.

No need to force recalcitrant children to eat in the morning

When they get up, many children, like many adults, are reluctant to swallow their bowl of milk chocolate, cereal or toast. What to do ? Force them by threatening them, get angry, punish them?... Not easy, especially since in the morning, it's often a race in many homes!

The nutritionist pediatrician Patrick Tounian puts his feet in the dish, whatever some of his colleagues say and think. According to him, each person is different and his food must adapt to his metabolism:if a child is lively in the morning, follows well at school, plays and exerts himself without counting until lunch, there is no instead of forcing him to eat in the morning when he is not hungry and therefore does not want to. On the other hand, a child who has a stroke in the morning with a drop in attention and a sudden apathy, must be able to have a snack:to do this, it is advisable to slip him in his satchel some madeleines, a compote, a drinking yogurt or a carton of milk, for example; so he can have breakfast whenever he feels like it.

When teachers put forward the empty stomach to justify the drop in concentration in the middle of the morning, it can come from hunger but also from going to bed too late...

What to eat for breakfast?

Children s breakfast:compulsory or not?

According to this nutritionist pediatrician, the breakfast menu should be based on your desires. Indeed, the dietary balance between dairy products, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables is calculated over the day, and even over the week. Exit therefore the ideal breakfast which would consist of the trio fruit, dairy product and cereals.

And all this is also valid for adults. While before we recommended a solid breakfast, hearty lunch and a light dinner, today the time devoted to lunch is reduced so we eat rather light to compensate more in the evening when we are with family and we have time to enjoy and enjoy your meal.

Finally, wouldn't all these studies encouraging us to eat our children in the morning be sponsored by the marketing departments of the brands of cereals and dairy products? When you see the development that these departments have known for a few years in supermarkets, there would be nothing surprising!