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Will 116 be our new average age?

Will 116 be our new average age?

For the time being, the average life expectancy is still around 80 years, but in the future it could just be 116 years.

So says Prof. Jan Hoeijmakers, professor of molecular genetics at Erasmus MC.

Tested on mice
Experiments have been successful in which the lives of laboratory mice have been extended by almost half by eating less. Eating less food leads to less cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes in the animals.

Such a diet is unsustainable for humans, but indications have been found that some substances that prolong life in mice also work without the heavy diet. Hoeijmakers is convinced that such substances can also extend human lives. A lot of research is still needed before that happens.

Would you like to be 116?

Source:Erasmus MC – Image:Shutterstock

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