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world cancer day

world cancer day

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. So, we take his calendar, and we note, just after the world day without straw (yes, we assure you), the world cancer day , which takes place on February 4th. This is an opportunity to get information and learn more about this disease and its various forms. Because knowing is also being able to detect, to be able to cure, and even better, to be able to prevent. A subject that takes on all its importance during this period of health crisis, where screening or monitoring appointments can be forgotten.

Cancer in France and around the world:state of play

Cancer is a disease that affects both women and men, children and adults. It is the second cause of death in the world with 9.6 million deaths each year, including around 150,000 in France (more than double the number of deaths due to Covid-19!).

The incidence rate of cancer in France is unfortunately on the rise. In men (more than 200,000 new cases per year), the most common cancer is prostate cancer, followed by lung cancer and colorectal cancer. In women (about 175,000 new cases per year), the most common is breast cancer, followed by colorectal cancer and lung cancer. So is this a fatality? No, because at least a third of cases are preventable!

What exactly is cancer?

A cancer is a tumor, that is to say the uncontrolled multiplication of cells that have become abnormal somewhere in the body. This is the case for all cancers except leukemia. There are several kinds:carcinoma (such as breast or lung cancer), sarcoma (malignant tumor of the bones, or soft tissues), lymphomas and myelomas (which attack immune cells), leukemia (which affects white blood cells and the spinal cord), and brain tumours. More info from the ARC.

Why does cancer develop?

It is often several factors combined that will lead to the appearance of cancer. On some, we cannot act:it is the hereditary heritage which predisposes to a type of cancer, certain genetic mutations, age which sees the multiplication of "errors" during cell replication, and finally the state of the immune system, as for people with AIDS who see their immunity very weakened. Other factors are called "environmental" and this is where we can act with the odds in our favor!

Prevent cancer, yes, but how?

Quit smoking !

Tobacco is responsible for 22% of cancer-related deaths. This is a good reason to quit smoking. How ? Several methods are available to you, which you can combine:

  • Withdrawal using nicotine patches. For this method, make an appointment with a doctor who will prescribe a prescription.
  • Behavioral and cognitive therapy with the help of a tobacco specialist to change your behavior.
  • Alternative medicine such as hypnosis or sophrology. With Médoucine, you can make an appointment with a practitioner near you 7 days a week.

Tabac info service, the health insurance app, can also help you. It's free and offers you personalized follow-up, contact with a tobacco specialist and lots of tools to motivate yourself, such as the daily accounting of money saved and health benefits!

Reduce alcohol

All alcoholic beverages, even in moderate doses, increase the risk of at least 6 types of cancer, including liver, mouth, breast, and stomach. Regarding breast cancer, the risk increases as soon as alcohol consumption exceeds one drink per day. For the liver, it is from 4 glasses a day.

To begin with, it is therefore important to control your daily or weekly alcohol consumption (in doses) in order to be able to reduce it. A tool like Alcoometer helps you to know your consumption. Next, limit alcohol to special occasions (holidays, etc.) and avoid daily consumption. If this is difficult, consulting an addictologist can be useful.

Adopt a better lifestyle

Being overweight plays an adverse role in increasing the risk of contracting at least 12 types of cancer. Eating a balanced diet is the only solution. Avoid excess red meat, burnt fats, sugar that feeds cancer cells, and move your body by practicing regular physical activity, outdoors as much as possible.

During the Covid epidemic, playing sports can be complicated (limitation of travel, closed rooms). However, it is possible to practice physical activity at home, thanks to sports exercises. Apps like 30 Days Fitness Challenge or Fitness &Bodybuilding can motivate you with proper exercises. If you suffer from obesity, know that it is possible to obtain a medical prescription. The disease is one of the authorized ALDs (long-term illnesses) which exceptionally give the right to practice sport in a hall.

Protect yourself from viruses

Hepatitis B can cause liver cancer, but fortunately there is a vaccine to prevent it. The papillomavirus (HPV), which is sexually transmitted, can lead to cancer of the cervix, hence the interest of performing a smear every year, then every 3 years if nothing is reported, and vaccinate young girls before first sexual intercourse.

We avoid exposure to certain elements

Beware of occupational exposure to chemicals and X and gamma radiation. We therefore avoid lead, asbestos, silica or even nickel.

We protect the skin from the sun:mandatory sunscreen to act as a barrier against UV rays, which cause skin cancer. We recommend a minimum SPF 30 index and total screen for fair, fragile and reactive skin, as well as for children.

Even sick, we take care of ourselves

Having cancer changes your life. Taking care of yourself is even more important. Practicing a sport is recommended during illness. In addition to reducing fatigue, physical activity reduces the side effects of treatment . Physical appearance can also affect morale. Aware of this theme, many image consulting agencies offer suitable makeovers. If the treatment has made you lose your hair and you want a wig, be aware that this equipment is reimbursed by Social Security up to 350 euros.

Screen regularly to protect yourself

Since you cannot control and eliminate all risks, it is important to get tested regularly. The INCa has understood this well, by giving its approval to the My screening:cancer application, which allows you to assess the risks and follow your screenings.

You are a woman

  • Between the ages of 25 and 65, your gynecologist will offer you a Pap smear every year, then every 3 years, to detect any precancerous lesions of the cervix. Young girls can get vaccinated. Since January 2021, young boys aged 11 to 14 can also (HPV being sexually transmitted).
  • Between the ages of 50 and 74, you are offered a mammogram every two years, usually by mail. If you are younger, but at risk for breast cancer, you may qualify. Discuss this with your gynecologist.

You are a man

  • In young people, regular palpation of the bursae in the shower can help screen for testicular cancer by identifying a possible lump.
  • For those over 50, for smokers or alcohol drinkers, a visit to the ENT for a mouth and throat examination is recommended.
  • From the age of 55, although there is no organized screening for prostate cancer, like that for the breast for example, it is recommended to be screened in the event of family history.

For both men and women

Between the ages of 50 and 74, for colorectal cancer, male or female, talk to your doctor. He can prescribe a test kit for you to do at home every two years. This cancer is cured in 9 out of 10 cases if detected early.

Every year in May, the national union of dermatologists and venerologists organizes a skin cancer screening week, find out!

Beware of rumours, fads and received ideas

They are often unfounded (at best) and, at worst, dangerous.

  • The Miracle Foods:No, consuming gallons of green tea, brewer's yeast, spirulina, or turmeric will not prevent or cure cancer by itself. Some food supplements are beneficial for general health, but when you are sick or on chemotherapy, you should not take anything without medical advice.
  • Chemo sessions won't go any better if you practice fasting. Your body needs essential calories and nutrients to stay strong!
  • Milk does not cause breast cancer, it has played a very useful role in the survival and evolution of humanity, even if it is very trendy today to accuse it of all evils . If you are not allergic to it, you can drink it, avoiding excess, as with any food.

What the day of February 4 highlights is that today, we are able to cure more than a third of cancers. So in the case of melanoma (skin) and breast cancer for example, the 5-year survival percentage is over 80%! However, regular screening for the most common cancers (prostate, breast or colorectal) is recommended among the people concerned.
