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Breakthrough in cardiovascular disease treatment

Breakthrough in cardiovascular disease treatment

Cardiovascular diseases will most likely soon be more treatable. A team from Cambridge University has succeeded in cultivating all three types of cells that are found in the walls of blood vessels.

Blood vessels
For the study, the team used patients' skin cells to different types of vascular smooth muscle tissue to produce. With this tissue, they may be able to create ready-made veins and blood vessels in the future. These are then implanted in a patient as an alternative to heavy (heart) surgery such as a bypass

Previously, a biotech company in California managed to grow blood vessels in the lab and implant them in kidney patients † The invention of the Cambridge researchers would be useful for more vascular problems than has been the case until now. There are three types of blood vessels and the British team can grow all three types of cells. So a real breakthrough.

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For a bypass Blood vessels from another part of the patient's body are now often used, but sometimes no suitable vessel can be found. The doctors then use a synthetic version , but they clog quickly and can cause infections. Also veins of plasma . were previously created derived from animals. However, this may contain substances that are toxic to humans.