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Night shift increases risk of cardiovascular disease

Night shift increases risk of cardiovascular disease

There has always been a suspicion that there was a connection between night shifts and heart problems. A recent study listed all study results.

An earlier study examined nearly 80,000 young doctors – with an average age of 33.5 years. The doctors who constantly changed shifts for six years or more , showed an increased risk (51 percent) of heart disease and complications † The studies also showed that there is an increased chance of disruption of metabolism , resulting in:diabetes which in turn can lead to a disturbance of body weight.

But there is even more bad news. The researchers of this study compared the effects of a 24-hour shift with a 'normal' nine-to-five working day. The following became clear:

– From the doctors who worked for 24 hours suffered a higher percentage of increased heart rate
– The blood pressure monitor reached higher readings, which were associated with the disruption and lack of sleep
– In addition, the urine contained unusual amounts of hormones

In addition to the observed effects, can work regularly at night lead to lasting changes to the cardiovascular system . over a long period of time of the body.