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jet lag help

jet lag help

It is an annoying side effect of a beautiful, distant holiday; your biological clock is all messed up. With these tips you prevent the worst jet lag complaints.

You can slowly shift your sleep schedule before you leave. If you are flying to the US, always go to bed half an hour earlier four days in advance and get up half an hour earlier.

Don't eat too heavy
During a long flight, digestion works slower than usual. Therefore, it is better to eat light meals, without a lot of fat. Scientists say that fasting 16 hours before your flight prevents jet lag.

Play with light
Daylight plays an important role in setting your biological clock. Light signals the brain to stay awake. So make the most of the light at your holiday destination by going outside immediately after arrival, even if you are sleepy. And if you wake up at night, don't turn on any lights.