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Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

With the health and climate crisis, more and more of us are suffer from anxiety.

So today I tell you which plants you should put in your bedroom to reduce your stress and thus sleep better.

Because yes, some plants have the power to distress and relax us.

By choosing the right green plants, you will have a better night's sleep...

If, like me, you tend to be tense and have a hard time calming yourself down, this natural trick will blow your mind.

Here are 5 plants to put in your bedroom to help you sleep better and fight anxiety :

Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

Before testing these plants, I tried everything:

Hot bath, intense breathing, relaxation music, herbal teas of all kinds for little results.

But since I put these plants in my room, things have changed.

They soothe me and give my bedroom a calm and serene atmosphere.

So much so that I sleep much better and longer.

No more insomnia and people even ask me what my secret is!

So here's my secret:put these plants in your bedroom tonight to improve your sleep!

1. Aloe vera

Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

We know well the virtues of aloe on the skin, hair or even health.

But we forget that it is also a pretty decorative plant.

In addition, it requires little maintenance and little watering.

Aloe vera releases oxygen at dusk.

It allows our brain to be better oxygenated to fall asleep better.

It also improves the overall quality of sleep.

Aloe has even been listed by NASA as one of the best plants for improving the air quality of a room .

Hence the interest of putting it in your room!

As aloe does not need too much direct sunlight, and little watering (it is a succulent plant that retains water)...'s perfect even for those who don't have a green thumb.

2. Lavender

Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

This pretty plant with blue flowers that smell so good is well known in the south of France.

The scent of lavender is soothing, it helps to relax and therefore to fall asleep peacefully.

This powerful smell slows the heart rate and reduces anxiety levels .

It would also seem that the smell of lavender promotes restful sleep and reduces the phases of restless sleep.

It even promotes a more serene awakening.

The scent of lavender has also been shown to calm babies who cry before sleep.

Put pots of lavender in your windows and enjoy the smell in summer.

On the other hand, know that lavender will not be happy in your room in winter because of the heating.

But harvest the flowers in the summer and dry them.

Then put these flowers in a dish near your bed.

3. Jasmine

Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

In Southeast Asia, jasmine is associated with purity.

It is even offered in some religious ceremonies in India.

The scent of jasmine is bewitching and improves the quality of sleep , increases alertness and even productivity.

Jasmine also helps reduce anxiety with its soothing scent on the body and mind.

Thus, it is easier to fall asleep leaving aside the anxieties.

Put a pot of Madagascar jasmine in your room to benefit from its benefits.

It needs a lot of light without direct sunlight, that's all!

4. Ivy

Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

Another plant that is easy to care for and beneficial for insomniacs is English ivy.

Excellent air purifier, it alleviates respiratory problems and conditions such as asthma.

Perfect for falling asleep better!

English ivy works well in damp homes because it reduces the presence of mold in the air.

Hang your ivy in a pot from the ceiling or set it on the edge of a shelf.

The leaves must be able to descend or find something to lean on and climb.

5. Sanseveria

Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

Also called mother-in-law's tongue, this plant is very popular because it is easy to maintain.

In addition, it is really decorative.

Sanseveria improves the air quality and atmosphere in your room.

It releases oxygen at night while you sleep and reduces the level of carbon dioxide in the air in the bedroom.

It filters toxins to make the air clean and healthy .

It goes without saying that mother-in-law's tongue is ideal in a bedroom, especially near those who have trouble sleeping.

Plants in the bedroom, good or bad idea?

Some think putting plants in a bedroom would be a bad idea.

Why ? Because we could become poisoned because of the CO2 that the plant rejects at night...

But do not worry ! Green plants in a room are not harmful.

Indeed, the quantity of CO2 released is so low that they cannot asphyxiate a person, or even an animal.

So, down with received ideas! Put as many plants as you want in your room.

Anxiety:5 Plants to Put in Your Bedroom to Sleep Better From Tonight.

Your turn...

Have you tested these plants to put in your bedroom against anxiety? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!