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4 reasons not to put your phone in your bedroom

4 reasons not to put your phone in your bedroom

Does your phone not leave your side at night? These are 4 reasons not to take your phone to the bedroom.

Did you know that… a lot of smartphone users between the ages of 18 and 29 with the smartphone in sleep in bed? So they don't just have their phone in the bedroom, but also IN bed…

1. Bedtime really becomes bedtime

Just send a message, play a game and check the latest news. Before you know it you'll be with your phone for half an hour busy, when you actually wanted to sleep on time. Leaving your phone in the living room increases the chance that you will go to sleep on time.

2. You can end the day in peace

There are so many more relaxing ways to end the day than with your phone † Read a book, prepare your clothes for tomorrow, make a to-do list, write in your diary, do relaxation exercises while lying in bed.

Read also: Your phone is dirtier than you think and here's what you can do about it

3. You have time for quality time

Give your partner extra attention as soon as you get under the sheets. After a busy day, this is the time to chat with each other or for intimacy; sex is good for your relationship and your sleep. You can do that from your smartphone not always say.

4. The light from your smartphone is not good for you

Ideally, you should turn off all screens an hour before going to sleep. The blue light emitted by the screens ensures that you remain alert and that is not good if you want to sleep. By not taking your phone into the bedroom, you are taking a step in the right direction. You can also phone light up at night or a light may blink. These forms of light can unconsciously disturb your night's sleep.

Read also: 6 ways to make the bedroom sexier

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