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It is better to avoid these foods when you have your period

It is better to avoid these foods when you have your period

Food has a lot of influence on your mood and mood. Discover which food choices you should or should not make when you have your period.

Do you have your period?

Ice cream, sweets and fatty foods:these are tempting foods when you have your period and suffer from menstrual complaints. Still, there are other foods that are more effective at making you feel better. For example, iron-rich products can help you feel fitter and more energetic. During menstruation you lose more iron and a deficiency of this mineral makes you feel lifeless and sluggish. Green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli are iron bombs, as are nuts, dried fruit, fish and dark chocolate. From two weeks before your period, your estrogen levels drop. Estrogen normally promotes the production of happiness chemicals endorphins and serotonin, so logically those levels also drop. Did you know that red pepper can trigger the production of endorphins? This is due to the capsaicin substance in red peppers. This substance is responsible for the burning sensation of the pepper and stimulates your body to produce more endorphins.

Read also: 7 special ways to eat avocado

It is better to avoid these foods

Sugary and carbonated drinks make you feel bloated, something you don't expect, especially during your period. Foods high in trans fats, such as fried foods, stimulate the production of estrogen, which can lead to a hormonal imbalance.

Read also: 10 food choices that extend your life

Image:Getty Images / Text:Mara Ruijter, Santé 9 2021