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5 reasons why you can't stick to your diet

5 reasons why you can t stick to your diet

Hunger, withdrawal symptoms, social pressures and more reasons why you are not able to stick to your diet. And it's handy:we also provide solutions!

1. You are hungry

You just finished your meal and are already hungry. Dieting is therefore unsustainable!

Solution: prepare healthy meals that are filling and nutritious. Eggs, beans, vegetables, fruit, avocado, nuts and seeds are good ingredients to use in your meals.

2. Your body suffers from 'withdrawal symptoms'

A diet has a significant impact on your body. Before you see results from the shape of your body, you may first have to deal with withdrawal symptoms:headache, fatigue, a bad mood.

Solution: in many cases, the solution to this problem is simple:increase your calorie intake. You want to lose some pounds, but your body needs enough fuel. Build in some healthy snack moments between meals.

3. You give in to social pressure

"You don't have to lose weight at all" and "don't act so unsociable." Most of us are familiar with the reactions of relatives, colleagues and friends. It is difficult not to tack.

Solution: food is not entertainment. So you don't have to feel boring at all when you turn down something. It's actually strong if you can do that, that discipline others should envy (and maybe they are). Are you going out for an evening? Present yourself as Bob, alcoholic drinks are calorie bombs.

4. You are an emotion eater

A dinner to celebrate, a bar of chocolate because you had such a rough day. Many people tend to associate food with different emotions. That way you have a reason to eat too many unhealthy things every day.

Solution: sticking to a diet has a lot to do with willpower, but stopping eating out of emotion when it bothers you probably takes the greatest amount of willpower. The most important thing is that you recognize the pattern. Recognition is the first step to breaking the pattern. Another tip:don't bottle up your emotions, but talk about them or write them off.

5. You have already eaten too much

Now that you've already had a large piece of pie, you can also add that bag of chips. After all, you have already sinned.

Solution :STOP! So it doesn't work that way. Put yourself in order, restrain yourself, put back the bag of chips and have a balance day tomorrow. Realize that eating something tasty is not an offense, but it is a shame if you do not enjoy it sincerely.

Source:Huffingtonpost , GettyImages image

5 reasons why you can t stick to your diet 5 reasons why you can t stick to your diet