You are hoarse, have a rasping cough, and have difficulty in to breathe ?
These are all symptoms of laryngitis!
This inflammation of the larynx caused by a virus is not very serious.
But better fix it fast. No need to run to the doctor!
Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's remedy to cure laryngitis without medication.
The natural treatment, is to take essential oils of thyme, ravintsara and rosewood . Watch:
- 3 drops of thyme thujanol essential oil
- 2 drops of ravintasara essential oil
- 2 drops of rosewood essential oil
1. Mix the essential oils in a small container.
2. Take a sugar.
3. Pour 3 drops of this mixture on it using a dropper.
4. Eat the sugar.
5. Repeat twice a day.
There you go, thanks to this natural remedy, you have cured your laryngitis without a prescription and without medication :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No need for Amoxicillin to cure viral laryngitis!
With this home remedy, no more hoarse cough that hurts the throat!
In addition, your loss of voice will quickly disappear:you will quickly find your voice.
- Thyme thujanol essential oil is rich in antibacterial active ingredients. It is also antiviral and it is also an excellent immune stimulant. It is traditionally used for ENT and respiratory infections.
- Ravintsara essential oil is anti-infectious. It is an oil with recognized antiviral and antibacterial properties.
- Rosewood essential oil is antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral.
Here is a shock trio to fight against viruses!
This mixture is formally not recommended for children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women and anyone with endocrine or fragile problems.
Do not take more than 3 drops per dose.
Never swallow pure essential oils. Do not put them in direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes:they must always be diluted.
Essential oils are concentrated and powerful natural active ingredients.
In general, children under 36 months, children and adolescents, pregnant or breastfeeding women, fragile, epileptic, hypersensitive people or people with hormone-dependent cancer should not use essential oils without medical advice. .
Always consult a doctor or specialist before using essential oils to heal yourself.