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The Powerful Essential Oil Remedy For THE FLU.

The Powerful Essential Oil Remedy For THE FLU.

Looking for a natural flu remedy?

No wonder this season! But no need to rush on drugs!

Did you know that certain flu medications should be strictly avoided?

Fortunately, there is a super effective natural grandmother's remedy to cure the flu quickly.

The natural treatment is to inhale with essential oils . Look, it's quite simple:

The Powerful Essential Oil Remedy For THE FLU.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • The preventive remedy in massage oil
  • Warning

What you need

- eucalyptus radiata essential oil

- saro essential oil

- Scots pine essential oil

- a dropper

- 1 bowl of water

How to

The Powerful Essential Oil Remedy For THE FLU.

1. With the dropper, take 2 ml of each of the three essential oils.

2. Pour them into a small glass bottle.

3. Shake so that the essential oils mix well.

4. Now boil the bowl of hot water.

5. Pour six drops of the essential oil blend into the bowl.

6. Cover your face with a towel and lean over the bowl.

7. Breathe deeply the vapors of water and essential oils for 10 min.

8. Repeat this inhalation once or twice a day for 3 days.


There you go, thanks to this inhalation with essential oils, this bad flu is over in just 2 to 3 days :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Making a blend of essential oils enhances the power and effectiveness of each essential oil.

And to avoid getting sick and catching the flu, follow the preventative remedy below.

The preventive remedy in massage oil

The Powerful Essential Oil Remedy For THE FLU.

This natural remedy strengthens your immune defenses and prevents you from getting sick. It has an effective preventive action.

Ingredients: 25 drops of the anti-flu synergy you prepared, 40 ml of sweet almond oil

How to: mix the synergy of essential oils with sweet almond oil. Pour the mixture into a small, clean, airtight bottle. Don't forget to tag it!

As soon as a flu epidemic is announced, apply this mixture to the chest, shoulder blades and neck in the morning and evening.

This remedy can be used in children from 7 years old and in adults.


Essential oils are very active natural products.

They should be used with caution.

Always seek professional advice before using essential oils.

When inhaling, be careful not to burn yourself! It is recommended to close your eyes so that they do not bite you.