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Back pain in front of the computer? Adjust Your Seat Well.

Back pain in front of the computer? Adjust Your Seat Well.

Working in front of the computer for a long time is often the source of diffuse pain and more or less important.

There are different solutions to overcome this problem, whether it is manifested by back pain or tightness of the wrist or neck.

Here is a good trick to avoid back pain, and which will undoubtedly have an impact on your posture as a whole:a tip to follow!

Adjust your seat correctly

Back pain in front of the computer? Adjust Your Seat Well.

The seat you use in front of your computer is one of the keys to a good working position. But there's no point in having a good seat if you adjust it haphazardly! A few rules to follow :

1. Height :the shoulders should be relaxed, and your hands resting on the desk are at the height of your elbows or just a little higher.

- the knees should be a little lower than the hips

2. The inclination :if you can tilt the backrest slightly backwards, it's better

- the lumbar region must be supported by the backrest

3. Posture :the forearms must be able to rest on the armrests or on the work surface

- if you are small, do not hesitate to put a footrest for more comfort.

And there you have it, with these few tips, you should avoid back pain.

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