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Unlock your Back with the Turtle Stretch.

Unlock your Back with the Turtle Stretch.

Your back is blocked and every gesture becomes torture?

Try "the turtle" which, I guarantee, will unblock the situation very quickly.

It often happens that, following a bad movement whose cause is often trivial (gardening, carrying a child, turning over at night...),

sharp pain appears in the lower back.

Unlock your Back with the Turtle Stretch.

Gestures requiring twisting of the back then become extremely difficult to perform and one quickly becomes obliged to stand stiff as a post to avoid "spikes".

Here is a little stretch that will allow you to quickly forget these painful moments:the turtle .

Starting position

Sit on your knees, thighs parallel. The bust and the head are vertical, as if the head were "suspended on an invisible thread". The hands rest on the front of the thighs, the buttocks are on the heels.

Execution of the Exercise

1. Squeeze your lower abs to pull in your stomach and pull your back out .

2. Bend your head forward.

3. Gradually bend your arms to lower your bust forward, rounding your back. During the descent, put your hands on the ground to bring the forehead against the ground.

4. Maintain the low position while exhaling long with a continuous flow.

5. Go back up by pushing on the arms.

During the descent as well as the ascent, it is the arms that support the weight of the body , not the back.

The shoulders must be relaxed throughout the movement.

Rhythm and Repetitions

Execution should be slow and controlled . For example:30 seconds down, 30 seconds down and 30 seconds up.

Do not hesitate to prolong the low position if it is not painful.

Repeat the movement 4 times.

Exercise should be done daily to make the pain pass permanently.


After a single performance, you will feel your back relax gently. After the 4 repetitions, the pain will have almost completely disappeared. After 3-4 days of regular exercise, your mobility will be almost back to normal.

The turtle is a stretch taken from the psynetic method . As we will see later, it is important to combine it with specific back muscle exercises . If you feel any benefit from it or have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Happy unlocking!