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Did you know ? Homeopathy Relieves Chickenpox Itching.

Did you know ? Homeopathy Relieves Chickenpox Itching.

When your doctor diagnoses chickenpox, they prescribe treatment .

Do not hesitate to supplement, especially to reduce the effect of itching which can be at the limit of unbearable.

To take no risk , bet on homeopathy! Effective, it is compatible with medical treatments.

Did you know ? Homeopathy Relieves Chickenpox Itching.

Special Varicella Homeopathic Treatment

It helps relieve itching.

- Rhus toxicodendron 5 to 9 CH :5 pellets 3 times a day. This is the most specific remedy chickenpox.

- Croton tiglium 15 CH :5 granules to let melt under the tongue every hour when the itching is very intense .

Have you ever had homeopathic treatment for chickenpox? Leave us a comment to tell us if you found it effective!