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50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

You've probably heard of coconut oil before.

But there are so many articles on this miracle product that it is sometimes difficult to navigate.

What are the real benefits of using coconut oil?

This beneficial oil has dozens of uses — whether in your kitchen or in your medicine cabinet. So what can you do with coconut oil?

Here are the 50 best uses for coconut oil for you:

50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

1. A soothing massage oil

50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

Coconut oil soothes tired, sore muscles.

For an even more soothing effect, add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil to coconut oil.

2. Fights fungal infections

Coconut oil has powerful antifungal properties. This makes it the perfect grandmother's remedy for all fungal infections.

For even more antifungal benefits, add a few drops of oregano essential oil or tea tree essential oil.

3. Fight against acne

Coconut oil is the friend of acne-prone skin. It acts gently against bacteria that cause acne. It also facilitates the healing of small red marks due to pimples.

Dab coconut oil directly on the pimples and they will disappear.

For other acne remedies, click here to discover our article.

4. Cleanses the skin

Coconut oil is an effective and soothing cleanser for the skin.

Use it daily to remove the impurities of the day.

For a homemade face wash made with coconut oil, click here to discover our article.

5. Eliminates ticks

Coconut oil kills and eliminates these dangerous insects.

To remove a tick without any risk, click here to discover our article.

6. Fights stretch marks

For soft, supple skin, apply coconut oil to stretch marks caused by pregnancy.

7. Removes warts and moles

Rub coconut oil on the affected part. Then, cover with a band-aid.

Repeat this step and change the plaster daily.

8. A moisturizing treatment for the skin

Coconut oil is a great way to soften and hydrate dry, rough or damaged skin.

9. An exfoliating treatment for the face

Coconut oil can also be used as a scrub with exfoliating properties.

Just mix coconut oil, baking soda, sugar, cinnamon, and rolled oats.

10. Avoid dandruff

Massage your scalp with coconut oil to eliminate dandruff.

This treatment also reduces itching associated with dandruff.

For another natural remedy for dandruff, click here to discover our article.

11. Hunger suppressant

50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

Drink 1 teaspoon of coconut oil before each meal to cut hunger and prevent overeating.

12. An anti-wrinkle treatment

Apply coconut oil to areas where you have wrinkles, to reduce them and rehydrate your skin.

13. Treats sore throats

Coconut oil is an effective treatment for a sore throat, as it coats it with a protective layer.

In addition, it improves the state of the mucous membranes and fights any other infection. It is indeed an excellent anti-inflammatory.

To do this, put 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth and let it dissolve — the coconut oil will slowly go down your throat.

Click here for more natural sore throat remedies

14. Eliminates ringworms

Apply coconut oil to the infected areas of the skin. This eliminates ringworm-causing fungi.

To increase the effect of this treatment, add tea tree essential oil.

15. A lip balm

Coconut oil moisturizes and protects the lips.

It even serves as protection against the sun (protection factor 4).

16. Treats cold sores

Coconut oil has antiviral properties that help the body fight off the virus that causes cold sores.

Apply coconut oil as soon as pimples appear.

To speed up the treatment, add 1 drop of oregano essential oil.

Click here for more cold sore remedies.

17. An effective and natural lubricant

For your intimate moments, know that coconut oil is a 100% natural and chemical-free lubricant.

But beware:the use of coconut oil is not recommended with condoms!

In fact, oils compromise the effectiveness of this type of protection.

18. Remove the chewing gum

Coconut oil is particularly effective in removing chewing gum stuck to your hair, clothes, etc.

19. For the health of your pets

Coconut oil can have many uses for your pets, both externally and internally.

Coconut oil freshens breath, shines coat, relieves joints, cleans ears, fights fleas and much more.

For more precautions, always consult your veterinarian before administering any care to your animal.

20. Eliminates styes and conjunctivitis

Apply a small amount of coconut oil directly to the stye or around the eyes.

This will quickly get rid of those painful and nasty infections.

Click here to discover another natural remedy for conjunctivitis.

21. Heals ear infections

50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

For a quick and effective treatment for ear infections, mix a few drops of coconut oil with garlic essential oil.

Click here to discover other remedies for ear infections.

22. Eliminates cradle cap

Coconut oil is also a safe and gentle treatment for newborns.

It relieves the itching, pain, irritation and flaking associated with cradle cap.

23. Heals diaper rash

Coconut oil gently and effectively soothes the mild manifestations of this benign (but painful) inflammation of baby skin.

24. Heals bruises

Apply coconut oil to bruises. This speeds up the healing process.

With this treatment, your bruises will quickly disappear.

25. Reduces age spots

Coconut oil has beneficial properties to fight against unsightly marks on the skin.

Indeed, the high antioxidant content of coconut oil helps eliminate age spots.

26. A natural alternative to your shaving foam

Coconut oil helps razors glide better, while leaving skin feeling soft and smooth.

27. An after-shave treatment

Do you want to avoid irritation and infections caused by small cuts from shaving?

Apply coconut oil to soothe your sensitive skin and help your cuts heal.

28. A natural toothpaste

Here's how to make your own refreshing, natural toothpaste:

Prepare a mixture of coconut oil and baking soda (in equal parts). Then, add a few drops of peppermint essential oil.

This blend is especially effective at cleaning and whitening teeth — preservative-free, fluoride-free, sweetener-free, and chemical-free!

29. Cures chickenpox

Apply coconut oil on the affected areas of the skin. This relieves itching and facilitates recovery from chickenpox.

This treatment also works on the bites of mosquitoes and other insects. Just apply it on pimples.

30. Fights vaginal yeast infection

Coconut oil fights these fungal infections — whether internal or external.

31. An effective and natural make-up remover

50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

Coconut oil easily dissolves and removes oil-based makeup (like mascara, for example).

In addition, it cleanses, moisturizes and gives radiance to your skin.

32. Conditioner

Coconut oil conditions, strengthens and repairs the hair.

Apply oil to your hair and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing it out.

If you have dry hair, apply a small amount of coconut oil. This will tame small curls.

33. Shine the furniture

Coconut oil makes solid wood furniture shine.

But, to make sure the tint color is right for you, test it on a small, inconspicuous area first.

34. Increases your energy and stamina

The medium chain triglycerides (MCT) in coconut oil make it an excellent source of energy.

It provides vigor, improves endurance and gives you the boost you need during the day.

35. Replaces deodorant

Here's how to make your own natural, pleasantly scented deodorant:

Mix coconut oil with cornstarch (maizena), baking soda and your favorite essential oils.

36. A treatment against dark circles

Dab a small amount of coconut oil around your eye area.

This reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

37. Heals eczema

Do you suffer from eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis?

Coconut oil reduces the itching, pain, plaque and dryness associated with these skin conditions.

38. Relieves sunburn

Coconut oil can save you from sunburn — for short-term sun exposure.

For more serious sunburns, the oil will speed up the healing process and soothe the pain of minor burns.

But be careful:take care to wait until the feeling of heat disappears before applying coconut oil!

If you don't wait, you run the risk of the opposite effect:CAPTURING the heat UNDER your skin.

This is why it is necessary to wait 24 to 72 hours (depending on the severity of the sunburn) before administering this treatment.

39. Relieves hemorrhoids

Coconut oil relieves pain and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids.

In addition, it stimulates healing, both internally and externally.

40. Prevents nosebleeds

To heal the cracks that cause nosebleeds, apply a small amount of coconut oil inside the nostrils.

41. Eliminates canker sores

50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

Using a cotton swab, apply coconut oil to your canker sores.

This fights infection and speeds up the healing process.

This remedy has a considerable advantage over other treatments:its taste is much more pleasant.

Click to discover more canker sore remedies.

42. Relieves toothache

Coconut oil relieves pain and strengthens teeth.

To soothe the pain almost instantly, mix it with clove essential oil.

Click here for more natural toothache remedies.

43. Prevents heartburn

Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil with your meals to tame heartburn.

Click here for more heartburn remedies.

44. Treats urinary tract infections

Treat urinary tract infections by taking 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.

Besides, coconut oil also helps eliminate kidney stones.

45. For breastfeeding

Coconut Oil relieves and repairs dry, cracked skin from breastfeeding.

It also soothes breast pain.

46. Fights Alzheimer's disease

Studies indicate that coconut oil slows the development of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

47. Improves bone health

Coconut oil facilitates the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

These two minerals are essential for strong bones and teeth.

48. Fights epilepsy

Coconut oil reduces the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures.

49. Improves physical performance

Coconut oil prolongs stamina, increases metabolism, improves thyroid function and facilitates weight loss.

It's the perfect supplement for any workout or fitness routine.

More specifically, the medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil help boost energy levels and prolong endurance during a workout.

In addition, coconut oil accelerates the process of recovery and recovery following physical activity.

50. Replaces fat in cooking

The many nutritional benefits of coconut are also numerous. Unlike most other oils and fats, cooking with coconut oil does not form harmful by-products.

Therefore, it is an ideal replacement for butter in recipes that call for it (ie:1 g of butter =1 g of coconut oil).

Coconut oil is a much healthier alternative for sautéing, baking, grilling or braising your food.

Where to buy coconut oil

Now that you know what to do with coconut oil, are you convinced by all its benefits? We do, anyway!

To buy now, we recommend this organic coconut oil.

Learn more about coconut oil

50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

For a long time, coconut oil suffered from a bad reputation.

It was associated with foods high in saturated fat (and bad for your health). Logically, it was avoided — like all foods high in fat.

But, putting coconut oil in the same category as butter, margarine and other fats is a mistake.

Indeed, this oil is much healthier than it seems. The saturated fats in coconut oil come from medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

These shorter chains of fat are easily broken down by the body and not simply stored as fat.

This means that coconut oil boosts energy levels, raises good cholesterol, and balances blood sugar levels.

And all this without weight gain, bad cholesterol and all the other risks associated with saturated fats and trans fatty acids!

But it's not over, and the list goes on.

Coconut oil is:antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and antiviral.

In addition, coconut oil facilitates the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Finally, its beneficial properties on the immune system truly make it the perfect oil — the oil with 1,001 uses!

There you go, now you know how to use coconut oil.

Your turn...

Do you know of other uses for this miraculous product? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!