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Do sports at home easily with these few tips.

Do sports at home easily with these few tips.

Want to burn calories quietly and easily? Here are some tips for exercising at home during your daily activities.

To get good results, do 3 sets of 15 movements for each of the small exercises that are proposed and don't forget to breathe well to hold the length.

1. Exercise while cleaning

Vacuum and mop twice a week to exercise your arms. When you tidy up the shelves, empty the dishwasher and clean the windows and the shower, you do flexes and extensions, which strengthen your thighs and buttocks.

2. Exercising while eating

Burn some calories while monitoring the cooking of food. Use tin cans as dumbbells. By raising them palms up you strengthen the biceps, and when you raise them palms down, it is the triceps that work. You can also use the counter to do push-ups. You lean on it at 45°, legs stretched out and push off with your arms.

3. Exercising in the evening, in front of the TV

As surprising as it may seem, you can play sports quietly in front of the TV. Stand up straight on the sofa and tuck your stomach in several times. Here you build your abs without suffering and above all without getting bored, since you are on the sofa, watching your favorite program. You had to think about it!

3. Exercising before going to sleep

Enjoy tooth brushing to do some exercises at home. Spread your feet apart, put one hand on your hips and push up and down on your tiptoes to strengthen your calves. Another exercise consists of contracting the buttocks for 5 seconds and relaxing for a few moments to tone them.

Do sports at home easily with these few tips.

Savings Achieved

No need for a sports coach at €15 an hour or a €110 weight room subscription to burn calories.

At home, you can exercise at any time. It does not encroach on your time since you spend yourself during daily activities. And last but not least, it costs absolutely nothing.

If you didn't have the motivation to start exercising, now you have found it!

So, have you started yet? What do you think of these tips? React in the comments.