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Do your Sports Session on the Beach in 15 Minutes.

Do your Sports Session on the Beach in 15 Minutes.

If you're heading out this summer to explore the great expanses of sea, take advantage of the beach to increase the effectiveness of your sports sessions.

Set aside 15 minutes of your precious relaxation time and complete the following program.


Sand, your ally!

Do your Sports Session on the Beach in 15 Minutes.

Confirmed sports friends, sedentary comrades full of good will, know that this summer the sand will be your health and good mood partner . Its precious grains that sink with each step provide protective cushioning for the joints, require greater muscle work and provide a pleasant massage for the soles of the feet.

Here's how to do it, in 15 minutes watch in hand, for a pleasant and invigorating session. Practice preferably on dry sand, barefoot . If it runs out due to high tides or summer crowds, rest assured:wet sand also offers acceptable results. In the latter case, if you have sensitive ankles, put on sports shoes.


Do your Sports Session on the Beach in 15 Minutes.

Walk for 2 minutes at a fast pace in the sea, water up to half of the calves . For the second minute, raise the knees to get your feet out of the water with every step.

You can then warm up your upper body by describing circles with your arms. 10 large then 10 small one way and then the other.

You can stretch your arms, as in the photo above, to relax your shoulders.

The Session

  • Glutes and back of the thighs: Move forward by replacing steps with lunges. Explanation:you first place your right foot forward, then lower your left knee to the ground, keeping your chest straight, your hands on your hips and looking forward. Bring it up to the knee and step the left foot forward. Take a dozen steps then blow for 15 seconds.
  • Glutes and front of thighs: perform 20 reps of squats then blow out for 15 seconds.
  • Stamina: jog for 2 minutes on the sand.

Do your Sports Session on the Beach in 15 Minutes.

  • Endurance, thighs and glutes: perform 5 squats trying to jump higher and higher with each repetition. Blow 30 seconds then repeat for a second, then a third set.
  • Stamina: jog again for 2 minutes.
  • Abs: Hold the plank position for 1 minute.

Return to Calm

Do your Sports Session on the Beach in 15 Minutes.

  • Active recovery: Walk for 2 minutes with your feet entirely in the sand:first place your heel, then the sole of your foot, and push the sand with your toes. Concentrate on the movement and do it slowly, looking ahead. Massage guaranteed.
  • Flexibility: perform the drop stretch (relaxes the back, neck, glutes and hamstrings). Hold for 20 breaths.

If you liked this session, you can repeat it several times a week . First observe 1 to 2 days of rest between 2 sessions, then bring them closer together if you feel like it. Ultimately, one daily session will be very beneficial for your well-being and your cardiovascular condition.

Do not hesitate to leave a comment and above all:move intelligently!