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10 Reasons Why Reading Will SAVE YOUR LIFE.

10 Reasons Why Reading Will SAVE YOUR LIFE.

It's unfortunate to say, but we read less and less.

Screens of all kinds (smartphones, computers, tablets, etc.) are taking up more and more space in our lives.

Consequence:especially among the youngest, "paper" books seem to go out of fashion...

What a pity ! Because reading has a whole host of benefits.

It doesn't matter if it's fiction or an essay, books expand our understanding of the world and make us better.

10 Reasons Why Reading Will SAVE YOUR LIFE.

  • 1. Reading enriches your vocabulary
  • 2. It improves your concentration
  • 3. You are more open to the world
  • 4. You become more creative
  • 5. Reading makes you smarter
  • 6. It enriches your general culture
  • 7. Reading helps you de-stress
  • 8. It boosts your memory
  • 9. Reading helps you get to know yourself better
  • 10. Reading is great entertainment

For example, it has been proven that those who read regularly have finer reflections, better adapted to the situations they may experience, than those who prefer more passive activities, such as watching TV.

In fact, reading is like an instrument that allows us to live better and get through some difficult times in our lives.

In addition, their diversity is so rich that getting tired of them is impossible.

By starting to read, we therefore improve psychologically and cognitively, while having fun.

What more ?! :-) Here are 10 reasons why reading will save your life:

1. Reading enriches your vocabulary

Of course, it's not about becoming a dictionary on legs!

That said, having a diversified vocabulary makes it easier and more accurate to express yourself.

By being precise in your words, you are better able to convey the desired message... and therefore to obtain what you want!

Reading is "the" way to enrich your vocabulary. This makes it possible to adapt to any type of interlocutor and discussion.

As a result, readers express their feelings more easily and are better able to get their message across, whatever the situation.

2. It improves your concentration

We tend to read articles and blog posts on screens too much. And, without realizing it, it impairs our ability to concentrate.

On the contrary, reading a paper book and having it in your hands helps to develop our ability to concentrate.

It's not necessarily easy at first but, with perseverance, you can get there, believe me!

It is enough to be calm, in a peaceful environment. Thus absorbed by the plot of a novel or an essay, we isolate ourselves from the outside world.

Gradually, regular reading will strengthen your attention span. You will be able to concentrate on ever longer texts and this will serve you in many areas, both personal and professional.

3. You are more open to the world

To read is to increase one's capacity to marvel and to share. Isn't it essential?!

In fact, according to this study, people who read regularly go to museums and concerts more often than those who don't.

But that's not all:they are also 3 times more likely to do volunteer work and activities aimed at others.

People who read feel the need to engage in the world around them, a commitment essential to their well-being.

To devote oneself to reading is therefore to develop one's artistic and human sensitivity.

4. You become more creative

Our imagination is a limitless world. But, as with the brain, it needs to be maintained!

The endless stories, opinions and customs from here and elsewhere, the richness of the situations described in the books...

All of this allows your mind to create images. Not "imposed" images like on TV or in the cinema, but created by you, from scratch.

This freedom left to your imagination then helps to expand your ability to create.

You become able to build a different world from the one that is conveyed every day in the media or in advertising.

5. Reading makes you smarter

A book is a world in itself to discover. So dozens, hundreds of books read...

Imagine the wealth of learning that represents!

Reading gives a chance to access a lot of information in a relatively short period of time.

You get smarter while having fun, isn't that great? :)

It's like taking a crash course, but at a lower price.

It is thus recognized that children and teenagers who read at home do better in school than those who do not.

Additionally, regular readers develop a better general knowledge of how things work and human psychology.

6. It enriches your general culture

Cultivating oneself obviously goes hand in hand with the development of intelligence, which is not limited to an accumulation of information.

By reading, we constitute ourselves as a "library of information" of all kinds, information gathered over the course of our readings.

This information is useful in all types of conversations one may have.

We are then able to discuss with someone, whatever the context, to add a documented point of view instead of pretending to understand or to say something stupid...

And it's a virtuous circle:the more we are able to communicate with a wide variety of people, the more we improve our knowledge and our ability to exchange in very different environments.

7. Reading helps you de-stress

Reading is a formidable way to ward off the bad vibes of everyday life.

A study by the University of Sussex consultancy has shown that reading reduces stress.

For this experiment, the subjects simply read, in silence, for 6 minutes. We then noticed the slowing of their heart rate and the drop in their muscle tension.

Results ? The stress levels of all these people had dropped drastically at the end of the study compared to the level at which it was at the beginning.

8. It boosts your memory

As we know, the brain is a muscle that must be trained to function well. An effective memory therefore requires daily exercise.

In his book "Proust and the Squid:The History and Science of the Brain-Reader “, Maryanne Wolf explains that reading is giving yourself time for reflection.

In fact, playback is like a "pause" button. An essential break for our mind to be serene.

This then allows him to access a greater capacity for concentration, analysis and therefore a better understanding of things.

Inevitably, all this allows our memory to "record" the information well.

On the contrary, spoken language (when you watch a movie or listen to the radio), over-stimulates the brain.

Result ? You do not press "pause" and therefore you do not integrate information in the same way.

On the other hand, reading increases your ability to learn and memorize.

9. Reading helps you get to know yourself better

In his book "How to Read and Why to Do It", researcher Harold Bloom reminds us how beneficial it is for us to read slowly, with patience, open-mindedness... even with love!

Also very important:we must read with our inner voice, not out loud.

According to him, it calms our mind, improves our capacity for imagination and increases the intimacy that we can have with ourselves.

In fact, books are a direct access to the knowledge of who we are. They allow us to better understand ourselves and to better understand others.

The reason is very simple:with the countless stories they contain, books allow us to "live" things that we would never have had the opportunity to experience otherwise.

They are like experiences of thousands of lifetimes offered to us and, in fact, so many possibilities to better understand the human soul (including his own!).

Through reading, we learn to tame our conscience, our true "me" and we offer ourselves the possibility of healing some of our pains.

Isn't it wonderful? :-)

10. Reading is great entertainment

Of all the benefits of reading presented here, one of the most important in my opinion is the ability to be entertained.

Because, perhaps it should be remembered:reading is anything EXCEPT a chore! Throughout the pages, it is the assurance of experiencing emotions and joy in shambles.

Often more exciting than watching a regular movie or a TV show (even if these activities can also be beneficial if they are well chosen...), a good book has a double power:it improves our lives. . while having fun for yourself.

Reading is therefore all these benefits on simple paper. I find it a bit magical though, don't you?

Frankly, if after that, you don't feel like going to the local library and robbing a bookstore...;-)

And if you are looking for a book to get started easily, I recommend The Alchemist by Paul Coelho, an easy to read novel, not too long and absolutely fascinating.