With changes in temperature, a sore throat is never very far away !
Very often it is nothing serious, but it should not be neglected.
Why ? Because a simple sore throat can easily turn into angina.
Fortunately, there is a miracle and little-known remedy to cure a sore throat quickly.
The effective and natural treatment is to use white clay.
Here are 3 clay-based tricks to eradicate the bacteria responsible for sore throat . Watch:
In a glass of lukewarm water, dilute 1 teaspoon of white clay and mix. Gargle with this clay drink, in small sips, 2 to 3 times a day. This effectively disinfects the throat and calms the tingling that makes you cough all night long.
Prepare a white clay paste with lukewarm water and put it on a gauze, clean cloth or absorbent paper. Then apply the poultice around your throat. Leave on for 1 to 2 hours and renew the applications 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear. This poultice will act as a purifier, while remineralizing your body tired by these bacteria. It is particularly effective in case of angina.
Last possibility to soothe the tingling in the throat:directly suck a piece of pure clay like a lozenge for the throat. The clay will deposit a soft and bactericidal veil on the mucous membranes, which will prevent inflammation and the sensation of pain. Repeat this treatment twice a day maximum.
And There you go ! Thanks to the white clay, you cured your sore throat quickly and naturally :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Not only is your throat soothed, but it is also disinfected with this grandmother's remedy.
You don't even have to go to the pharmacy to buy a medicine with questionable effects!
Do not hesitate to act at the first symptoms:the faster the clay takes, the more effective it is.
On the other hand, stop the treatment in case of irritation in the throat.
The clay disinfects and purifies the parts of the body with which it comes into contact.
As it captures impurities, it helps you get rid of bacteria and other microbes.
At the same time, its remineralizing effect helps you keep fit during this somewhat tiring period.