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12 Natural Tips Against Sore Throats

Read on and discover 12 natural tips against sore throats. There is nothing more annoying than a sore throat. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural remedies that can help you get rid of this annoying pain. Take advantage of it and choose the best of these 12 natural tips for sore throat.

Sore throat:cause

The cause of a sore throat can be a bacterial or viral infection. With a virus, the pain is accompanied by other complaints such as headaches, a stuffy nose and coughing. In addition, you can also get a sore throat if you use your voice incorrectly, if you scrape too much/too often or yell often.

Sore throat is often accompanied by a cold. Now you can get rid of your cold with these 10 home remedies that help with a cold, but that sore throat can be a bit more difficult. Sore throat is characterized by pain when swallowing, which makes eating and drinking painful. Now food may not be very important, but drinking enough is a must for both a cold and a sore throat.

Sore throat symptoms

The symptoms of sore throat are:
– Swollen tonsils
– Red tonsils
– Sore and swollen glands in the neck
– Dry throat
– White dots in the back of the throat throat
– Tough and thick mucus in the throat

12 Natural tips against sore throat

Below you will find 12 natural tips against sore throat. The best part is that you have most things in your kitchen cupboard, so you can use them at any time of the day (or night). And because it concerns natural products, these tips are also suitable for children.

1. Rinse with warm salt water
A natural remedy for sore throats is rinsing with warm salt water. The salt causes the swelling in the throat to decrease, causing excess mucus to dissolve. You can also dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle with it. You can repeat this three times a day.

2. Drink apple cider vinegar
Thanks to the acidity in apple cider vinegar, bacteria are effectively killed, whereby the combination with honey also has an extra soothing effect on the throat. Mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon honey in a cup of very warm water. Drink this as hot as possible, twice a day. PLEASE NOTE:NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 1 YEAR!

Reading tip:Vinegar, a real miracle cure

3. Sucking on garlic
Not obvious, but no less effective:suck on a clove of garlic. Garlic contains the antibacterial substance allicin, which acts directly on the sore throat. To do this, take a clove of garlic and cut it in half. Put 1 half of the garlic in each cheek and suck on it as if you had a throat lozenge in your mouth. Going against it a bit with your teeth also sometimes helps to release the substance optimally. Your breath may smell less after this, but your sore throat is guaranteed to subside.

4. Steam
Steaming not only helps against a sore throat, but is an effective remedy for colds. Take a large bowl and fill it halfway with warm water. Put a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in the bowl and hang over it. A towel over your head makes it easier to inhale the released steam.

5. Cayenne pepper
Perhaps pepper isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you have a sore throat, but it really helps. The capsaicin in the pepper (the substance that provides the hot taste) provides temporary pain relief, just like taking aspirin. Put teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of boiling hot water and add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Keep stirring as it cools, as the pepper is difficult to dissolve in water. You can drink the mixture evenly throughout the day.

6. Drink liquorice root tea The anti-viral and anti-inflammatory compounds in licorice root help reduce swelling and irritation. In addition, it ensures that the mucus in the throat decreases. Make the recipe below and enjoy a delicious cup of tea and reduced pain:

– 1 cup dried licorice root
– ½ cup cinnamon pieces
– 2 tablespoons whole cloves
– ½ cup dried chamomile flowers

Take all these ingredients and mix well in a large bowl. Store the tea in a tightly closed glass bowl in a dark place. Before use, take three large tablespoons of the mixture and sprinkle it in 2.5 cups of water that you put in a pan. Bring to the boil and let it simmer for 10 minutes on medium heat. Then strain the whole and pour it into a large cup and drink it as needed.

7. Baking soda 'tea'
Baking soda is a simple, but very effective remedy for the most diverse complaints. Not surprising since baking soda is known for its antibacterial substances. You make the 'tea' as follows:1 cup very hot water, ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon or less baking soda. Heat the water, add the salt and baking soda and let it dissolve completely. When the mixture is no longer too hot, throw a little down your throat (DO NOT SWALLOW!) and then gargle. Do this 2-3 times a day.

8. Chew cloves

Traditionally, cloves have been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for the most diverse ailments of the mouth and throat. Cloves are even used as an anesthetic by some dentists. The substance eugenol is a natural pain reliever that is also antibacterial. Chewing the cloves slowly releases the substance eugenol, which relieves the pain in the throat. Simply take the cloves in your mouth, suck them and chew them like you have gum in your mouth.

9. Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria and comes in handy when you have a sore throat. To do this, take 3% hydrogen peroxide (a capful of it) and mix it with a cup of warm water. Gargle well with this and spit out. CAUTION:do not swallow!

10. Chamomile tea Chamomile has many healthy properties and is an excellent natural remedy for (starting) sore throats and colds. Just take a cup of boiling water and put a sachet of chamomile tea in it. Let it soak for a few minutes and enjoy the benefits of the soothing chamomile. You can also add some honey (NOTE:honey is not suitable for children under 1 year).

11. Ginger tea Ginger is one of the most effective natural remedies for many health problems. From headaches to colds, from sore throats to losing weight, ginger can do it all. Take a piece of fresh ginger root (4-5 cm) and peel it. After peeling, grate over a cup of boiling hot water. Let it steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink it as warm as possible.

The strong taste of ginger is not appreciated by everyone. Add a spoonful of honey to taste to make it even tastier and healthier. PLEASE NOTE:honey is not suitable for children younger than 1 year.

12. Gargle with sage Before being used in cooking, sage was well known in the traditional medical world for a long time. Not surprising given the many beneficial properties. To make sage water suitable for gargling, use 1 cup of boiling water, 2 teaspoons of dried or fresh sage leaves and 7 grams of salt. Boil the water and pour it into a cup containing the sage. Let it steep for 20 minutes, then strain and add salt. Gargle with this solution as needed.

What remedy do you use for sore throat?