Do you have a tickling throat? So scratch your ear!
Do you have trouble understanding a person who speaks softly? Tilt your right ear to hear it better.
What if I told you that coughing during an injection reduces the sensations of pain?
It may sound surprising...yet all of these tricks for the human body really work!
Here are 18 INCREDIBLE tips and tricks for the human body that work on everyone. Watch:
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Putting your hand under your armpits to make fart noises is so cool... when you're 9!
Today, we always appreciate a good "body trick", especially if it's also a health remedy!
For example, if you have a tickling throat, don't cough until you choke. The unlikely trick to soothe a scratchy throat is to scratch your ear!
"When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it causes a reflex in the throat which in turn causes muscle spasm," says ENT specialist Dr. Scott Schaffer.
"This spasm will relieve the tickling of the throat ."
The party is too noisy and you are in conversation with a person who speaks too softly or who articulates badly?
The trick to hearing it better is to tilt your right ear towards the person.
According to a UCLA study, the right ear is more efficient than the left at receiving short and repeated sounds , like those of speech.
Conversely, if you want to identify a song playing at low volume in the elevator, point your left ear towards the sound instead.
Indeed, the left ear is more effective at identifying pure sounds , like those of music.
Do you have an urgent need to pee? And there are no toilets around?
To calm your urge to pee, think about sex!
According to Dr. Larry Lipshultz, director of a center for reproductive medicine, it helps to distract the brain .
Thus, thinking about sex helps reduce the feeling of discomfort when you have to pee.
German researchers have found that coughing during an injection helps ease the pain of the sting.
According to Dr. Taras Usichenko, anesthetist and author of a study on this phenomenon, coughing causes a sudden and temporary increase in pressure in the chest and spinal canal.
As a result, the pressure blocks the pain conducting nerves in the spinal cord.
No need to buy nasal spray! There is an easier, faster and much cheaper remedy to unclog your sinuses.
Simply press between the eyebrows with your index.
At the same time, press and release the tip of the tongue against the palate for 20 seconds. Click here to find out how.
This technique will cause a back and forth movement of the vomer, a flat bone of the nasal cavities, according to Dr. Lisa DeStefano, professor of osteopathy.
This movement helps relieve sinus pressure. After just 20 seconds, you will feel the sinuses begin to unclog.
Did you eat a dish that was too spicy? And now you're worried about gastric lift...
The preventive remedy is to sleep on your left side !
This is recommended by Dr. Anthony A. Starpoli, gastroenterologist and professor of medicine at New York Medical College.
Several studies have proven that those who sleep on the left side are less prone to heartburn.
Indeed, the esophagus and the stomach come together forming an angle. When you sleep on your right side, the stomach is higher than the esophagus.
This is what allows food and stomach acid to travel up the esophagus.
But by sleeping on your left side, the stomach is located lower than the esophagus, and gravity helps keep stomach acids in the stomach.
Click here to discover all the benefits of sleeping on the left side.
In case of toothache, just rub a simple ice cube on the back of your hand , on the V-shaped area between the thumb and index finger.
Canadian researchers have proven that this technique can reduce toothache pain by up to 50%.
Nervous system circuits in this area of the hand stimulate the part of the brain that blocks pain receptors in the face and hands.
Did you just burn your finger with a hot frying pan?
After disinfecting the skin, put some pressure on the burn with the fingertips of your unburned hand .
Relieving pain with an ice cube is faster, says Dr. DeStefano.
However, with the finger method, the burned skin will quickly return to its normal temperature, thus avoiding the risk of the skin forming blisters.
Have you had one drink too many, and you have that unpleasant feeling of spinning your head when you close your eyes?
Fortunately, there is a remedy for the dizziness caused by excessive alcohol consumption.
Simply place your hand on a fixed object and very stable.
The cup, the part of the inner ear responsible for balance, floats in a liquid that has the same density as blood.
"As the alcohol dilutes the blood in the cupule, it becomes less dense and rises up," says Dr. Schaffer.
Therefore, it confuses the brain. Touching a stable object gives the brain the "second opinion" it needs to help you regain your balance.
And because the nerves of the hand are very sensitive, know that this method is more effective than putting one foot on the ground.
Nothing worse than a side stitch when you're running...
And if you're like most people, you exhale when your right foot hits the ground.
The problem is, this puts pressure on the right side of the body – where your liver is – which in turn pulls on the diaphragm and causes a side stitch.
The solution is simple:when you go for a run, exhale when your left foot hits the ground .
Everyone thinks you have to hold your nose and tilt your head back...
This trick works, but you have to like the taste of hemoglobin, because it will make all the blood flow down your throat!
Here's the much less cracra method:put a cotton ball over your upper gums, just behind the philtrum, the little dimple between your nose and upper lips.
Then press hard on the philtrum to stop the bleeding.
As ENT specialist Dr. Peter Desmarais explains, “Most bleeding comes from the front part of the septum, the nasal septum that separates the nose in 2. Pressure on this area helps stop nosebleeds.”
Are you anxious before a first date? To de-stress, try blowing on your thumb!
According to emergency care specialist Dr. Ben Abo, blowing on your thumb regulates breathing, which in turn calms the vagus nerve, which plays a vital role in regulating heart rate.
Thus, blowing on your thumb for a few seconds helps slow your heart rate .
Click here to discover 11 remedies to eliminate stress in just a few minutes.
Ouch! Do you have a headache because you ate ice cream too quickly? It can happen to anyone…
To remedy this, the trick is to press the flat of the tongue against the palate , so as to cover it as much as possible.
"The pain is due to the contact of the cold with the nerves of the palate, which makes the body think that the brain is also cooling," says Dr. Abo. "To counteract this effect, the brain becomes overheated, causing a headache."
The harder you press on the palate, the faster your headache will go away.
Do you have clear vision up close, but blurry from afar?
This eye anomaly is rarely genetic, as explained by Dr. Anne Barber, optometrist:"myopia is generally caused by excessive practice of near vision."
For example, like when you stare at your computer screen for too long!
To improve your visual acuity, try to contract all your muscles.
Every 2 to 3 hours, close your eyes and contract all the muscles of your body.
Inhale slowly, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale, relaxing your muscles at the same time.
Contraction and relaxation of muscles such as biceps and glutes also encourages involuntary muscles to relax , like those of the eyes.
Do you feel a tingling or tingling sensation in your hands?
This can happen when driving too long or sitting in an awkward position.
The solution:try rocking your head from side to side.
This will make the tingling sensation in your hands go away in less than 1 min without pain, says Dr. DeStefano.
The tingling sensation in the hand or arm is often due to compression of peripheral nerves in the neck.
The simple act of relaxing the muscles of the neck can reduce and eliminate compression of the nerves .
Similarly, compression of the nerves in the lower body will cause ants in the feet. Stand up and take a few steps to make them disappear.
Click here to discover the 8 simple positions to relieve the pain of sciatica.
Here's an easy magic trick to impress your friends.
Have a friend hold their arm out to the side, palm down.
Place 2 fingers on his wrist and push down. The person will naturally resist the pressure and hold their arm in place.
Repeat this press, but this time have your friend put one foot on a stack of magazines.
Now, his arm will magically fall to his side !
By slightly off-axis the person's hips, you also unbalanced their spine, says fitness specialist Rachel Cosgrove.
Because the brain thinks the spine has become vulnerable, it cuts muscle resistance.
Do you want to recover a coin that has fallen to the bottom of the pool?
To hold your breath longer, the trick is to take several small breaths before diving underwater.
Essentially, it's getting you to hyperventilate .
Indeed, when you are underwater, it is not the lack of oxygen that makes you desperately want to breathe.
This is caused by the buildup of carbon dioxide, which makes your blood more acidic and signals your brain that there is something wrong.
"When you are hyperventilating, the increased presence of oxygen reduces the acidity of the blood," explains Dr. Jonathan Armbruster, professor of biology.
"Therefore, your brain believes it still has oxygen reserves to stay underwater ." A little trick that can save you up to 10 extra seconds.
And if you are looking for a trick to see underwater without glasses, click here.
"If you have to give a speech for the next day, reread it right before you go to sleep ", reveals Candi Heimgartner, professor of biology.
This is because memory consolidation occurs primarily during sleep.
So anything you read just before you fall asleep is more likely to be stored in your long-term memory.
If you need to revise for an exam, click here to learn 14 tips that help you revise faster.