Psoriasis attacks really aren't pleasant...
They are manifested by thick, dry and unsightly red patches.
Psoriasis affects all parts of the body:hands, legs, feet, scalp and sometimes even the face.
Unfortunately, psoriasis is a difficult skin disease to treat...
Fortunately, my grandmother knows an effective remedy to soothe psoriasis attacks.
Its natural trick is to use magnesium chloride. Watch:
1. Dilute 20 g of magnesium chloride in one liter of water.
2. When a crisis arises, drink a glass of it a day.
3. Soak a sterile compress in water mixed with magnesium chloride.
4. Apply it to areas affected by psoriasis.
There you go, with this grandmother's trick, you quickly relieved psoriasis attacks :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
It's still more natural than using cortisone creams or corticosteroids!
Did you know that 1 to 2% of people in France are affected by this disease, children and adults alike?
Know that it is neither contagious nor allergic, but we do not really know its origin.
It is therefore difficult to get rid of it permanently.
It is thought that stress or heredity could be the cause.
You can therefore try to relax using anti-stress plants like these...
While continuing this natural treatment!
In addition to this remedy, you can also take baths with Dead Sea salt to heal your skin.
Why ? Because Dead Sea salts contain 47% magnesium chloride. As a result, you heal yourself without doing anything!