Do you also sometimes have stress shots?
It's the same for me ! It's true that life is never simple...
Marriage, work, health, money problems... The list goes on!
As a result, we sometimes feel overwhelmed by events and stress takes us by the throat!
Fortunately, here is a technique used by soldiers in combat to overcome stress and anxiety in just 4 seconds flat.
The trick is to do a simple breathing exercise to release stress naturally and calm down r. Watch:
1. Inhale for 4 seconds (as the circle widens).
2. Hold your breath for 4 seconds (when the circle stops moving).
3. Exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds (as the circle shrinks).
4. Once your lungs are empty, hold your breath for 4 seconds (when the circle stops moving).
5. Repeat as many times as needed to calm down.
There you go, you now know how to beat a stress shot in just a few seconds :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Thanks to this simple breathing exercise, you are now calm and have regained control of your thoughts.
This trick works in any stressful situation in everyday life!
This technique is so effective that it is used by soldiers in combat, in extreme survival situations.
It may sound surprising, but proper breathing is one of the most effective things you can do to keep your anxiety and stress under control.
Many health ailments stem from the fact that we have forgotten how to breathe properly.
- When you inhale, the breath should be slow and abdominal.
- When you hold your breath, your belly should be well inflated.
- As you exhale to empty your lungs, gently bring your navel and abdomen towards your spine.
In just a few seconds, this breathing technique has the power to relax the diaphragm and slow your heart rate.
This is the best way to calm your nerves and avoid any risk of over-ventilation and tetany. And I can tell you that it works really well!
To test the effectiveness of this method, take your pulse before you begin. If you are nervous, you will see that your heart rate will drop quickly.
Breathing slowly and deeply activates the hypothalamus, one of the structures of the nervous system that is connected to the pituitary gland. It is a gland called "master gland" because of its great influence on all the functions of the body.
The pituitary releases, among other things, neuro-hormones that block the diffusion of stress-related hormones and thus cause the body to relax.
Along with this, breathing slowly and deeply activates the parasympathetic nervous system and the secretion of hormones that reduce blood pressure and heart rate.