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Bloating:The Quick And Effective Remedy To Stop Being Bloated!

Bloating:The Quick And Effective Remedy To Stop Being Bloated!

After every meal, do you feel all bloated?

It often happens when you eat too quickly without taking the time to chew...

Having a swollen belly is an unpleasant and sometimes painful feeling.

Fortunately, there is a quick and effective remedy to get rid of bloating and the gas that goes with it.

The trick is to drink an infusion of lemon and chamomile . Look, it's quite simple:

Bloating:The Quick And Effective Remedy To Stop Being Bloated!

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 1 organic lemon

- 5 g of dried chamomile flowers

- 250 ml hot water

- hermetic jar

How to

1. Heat the water.

2. Meanwhile, cut the lemon into slices.

3. Put the slices in the jar.

4. Add the dried chamomile flowers.

5. Pour boiling water over it.

6. Leave to macerate overnight.

7. The next morning, filter and drink the cold infusion on an empty stomach.


And There you go ! Thanks to this grandmother's remedy, goodbye to bloating that makes your stomach swell :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

No more feeling of swelling that hurts your stomach and stomach!

Drink this natural treatment every morning, especially if you had a good meal the night before.

This mixture will keep for 4 to 5 days in the fridge, so you can prepare a large quantity in advance.

Why does it work?

Chamomile has been known for centuries to relieve and treat digestive disorders.

It has antispasmodic and painkilling effects that are effective quickly in case of flatulence.

As for the lemon, it allows better digestion by stimulating the metabolism. It also acts against gases.

Be aware that some foods cause more bloating than others:fried foods, cold meats, soft drinks, cabbage and cauliflower and chickpeas for example.