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How to properly use, wash and dry your fabric mask?

How to properly use, wash and dry your fabric mask?

Wearing a mask is now compulsory in public places and public transport common.

So that everyone can be equipped, homemade fabric masks are a safe, economical and ecological solution, as they are reusable.

The condition ? That they are maintained properly so as not to become breeding grounds for germs.

For the protection of your mask to remain effective, it is therefore a question of using it properly, washing it and drying it.

Here's how to do it while respecting the recommendations of Afnor:

How to properly use, wash and dry your fabric mask?

1. Use your mask well

A fabric mask loses its protective power when wet, due to breathing or perspiration.

So you can't wear it for more than 4 hours at a time.

Also, remember to wash your hands well before putting it on.

Finally, while you are wearing it, do not touch it, otherwise you will contaminate it.

2. Wash your mask well

It is necessary that you wash your mask after each use.

For this, it must be put in the washing machine with a cycle of at least 30 min, at 60ºC.

Do not put fabric softener, just detergent and add a good glass of white vinegar.

The objective is to kill all bacteria or potential traces of the Covid-19 virus.

If you can't wash your mask immediately when you get home, put it in an airtight box while you wait.

3. Dry your mask well

According to scientific recommendations, your mask should be dry within 2 hours of being washed.

If it's sunny, air dry it, that's the easiest way.

Otherwise you can put it in the dryer or dry it with a hair dryer.

Finally, according to Afnor, you can use your iron (with steam if possible) to remove any creases.

However, be careful not to damage it with too much heat.

4. Wear your mask well

How to properly use, wash and dry your fabric mask?

Knowing how to properly wear your mask is essential for it to be effective.

As you can see above, there are 4 mistakes to avoid when putting your mask on your face.

The mask should not be below the nose, above the chin, loose enough, or below the chin.

In summary, your mask should cover your nose, mouth and chin at the same time.


And There you go ! You now know how to properly use, wash and dry your sheet mask :-)

You can go out shopping and walk in peace, equipped with your fabric mask :-)

According to recent scientific studies, on the other hand, it will have to be thrown away after about the 20th use.

Indeed, its protective power decreases over the washes.

Finally, always remember that wearing a fabric mask in no way detracts from the necessary respect for barrier gestures!

We must therefore continue to wash our hands frequently, to respect at least 1 meter of distance with other people and to cough or sneeze into our elbow.

And if you can't wash it, can you disinfect your mask?

Be aware that heating your cloth mask in the microwave is not effective against the coronavirus.

In addition, this practice can be dangerous, because some masks contain metallic elements (at the level of the nose in particular). To be avoided.

Warning:do not disinfect your fabric mask with bleach or alcohol.

These products risk damaging the fibers of the fabric and therefore degrading its filtration capacities.

In addition, bleach fumes, even after several rinses, are very harmful to the respiratory tract.