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How to prepare your skin and repair the harmful effects of the sun?

The sun is important for your well-being, whether moral or physical. However, it is not without danger to expose oneself. But what are the risks? How to protect your skin before exposure? Or, how to repair your skin after exposure?

Sun damage to the skin

Ultraviolet and infrared at the source of sun damage.


UVA, UVB and UVC can be distinguished by their different wavelengths:

  • UVC does not reach the Earth's surface;
  • UVB represents 2% of the UV that reaches the surface of the planet. They are responsible for sunburn (and tanning);
  • UVA rays represent 98% of UV radiation. They are responsible for skin aging, allergies and they penetrate the dermis.


Since their wavelength is much longer than UVA and UVB, they can easily reach the deepest layers of the skin. We feel them through the sensation of heat coming from the sun.

Oxidative stress

Oxidative or oxidative stress is an attack on cells by free radicals:the "Reactive Oxygen Species" ERO or ROS "Reactive Oxyden Species" in English.

These EROs have important biological functions for our body. If they are in excess, they attack all the constituents of the body and can promote certain chronic diseases such as cataracts, cancer, diabetes or even kidney failure.

Our body has protective mechanisms capable of neutralizing EOR and preventing them from damaging it:antioxidants.

When these defense systems are overwhelmed, it is oxidative or oxidative stress.

Typically, oxidative stress occurs when:

  • We live in a polluted atmosphere;
  • We smoke;
  • We are exposed to pesticides;
  • We are under chronic stress;
  • We are exposed to the sun's rays.

Hydration, exfoliation and nourishment:the winning trio for your exposed skin!


Prefer a gentle cleansing product for your skin in order to respect the hydrolipidic film. It allows you to preserve the water reserves of your skin. The moisturizer will restore these reserves and also repair the film if necessary.

Moisturize your face

Your skin type determines the choice of your cream:

  • Normal or mixed :light texture;
  • Oily :lighter texture like moisturizing gels and fluids;
  • Dry :rich texture like creams and balms that deeply hydrate.

Hydrate your body

  • Normal to oily skin :a body lotion with a light texture;
  • Normal to dry skin :a milk or body cream;
  • Dry to very dry skin :a body oil or balm that nourishes and hydrates your skin.

Natural products


Shea is appreciated for dry skin. Concentrated in fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E and F, it improves cell renewal and softens the epidermis.

The olive

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants (vitamin E) and helps fight skin aging.


Argan oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (Omega 6, 9, vitamins E and polyphenol) and helps fight skin aging.

And many more

There are still other products based on natural ingredients such as fig which restores the natural hydration of the skin, or blueberry which is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and E.

The scrub

Performing a scrub purifies your skin of dead cells that prevent it from breathing. It stimulates cell regeneration as well as blood micro-circulation, the skin is then more ready to receive moisturizing treatments.

It can be practiced manually with a horsehair glove or with the help of small natural grains for the face. Above all, don't forget that the face, neck and décolleté are more fragile and sensitive, they require a gentler exfoliation than the rest of your body.

The European Commission recently banned the use of plastic microbeads in scrubs because of the pollution they cause to the environment.

A diet reinforced with vitamins and antioxidants

To better prepare for sun exposure, you can increase your consumption of antioxidants such as vitamin C and polyphenols (summer fruits and vegetables), vitamin E (wheat germ, nuts, almonds, vegetable oils), Carotenoids (carrot, corn, tomato, citrus fruits) or even phytic acid (whole cereals).

Antioxidants help fight against oxidative stress caused by sun exposure. The skin thus creates a good antioxidant reserve to defend itself during exposure.

How to repair your skin after sun exposure?

Whether using vegetable oils, creams, milks or other moisturizing products, you can take care of your skin and rehydrate it with the help of natural components.

Vegetable oils

The virtues of vegetable oils:

  • Nourishes the skin with a source of lipids that help renew cell membranes;
  • Protect the skin thanks in particular to vitamin E and its antioxidant properties;
  • Prolong the tan;
  • Prevent skin aging;

There are dry oils that will allow you to get dressed immediately after use, particularly suitable for summer heat.

After-sun creams

After sun exposure, your skin becomes thicker, drier and above all less supple. "After-sun" creams soothe, deeply nourish your skin, and prolong your tan.

Some after-sun creams have a cooling effect, to immediately relieve the burning sensation of your skin. There are different textures depending on your skin type:gel, cream, oil, lotion or even milk.

Taking care of your skin and ensuring post-sun hydration is important during the summer, but we must not forget that the sun does not disappear in winter. It is important to continue to moisturize your skin during the cold season, especially since in addition to the sun's rays, your skin is also attacked by the cold, which dries it out.

Do you want to find other ways to feel good? You can totally integrate sport and diet, a source of well-being for your body, into your program for the next summer season.